Changing your Password
Changing your Password
- On the black header menu bar, select [Signed
In User] > Change Password.
The Change Password screen displays.
- Enter your current password in the CURRENT PASSWORD field.
- Enter a new password in the NEW PASSWORD field.
Passwords must be 6 to 14 characters in length.
- Enter the new password again in the CONFIRM NEW PASSWORD field.
- If you have not already done so, you should establish a security
question (see below) before closing this window.
- Click the SAVE button in the upper
left corner of the window.
If using Microsoft Internet Explorer as your web browser, if you
choose the Cancel button to dismiss the password change feature,
make sure you select NO when prompted to close the current
tab. If you select Yes, you will close out of the RizePoint application.
a Security Question
Establishing a security question can resolve log on problems later in
the event you should forget your password or if you should exceed the
specified number of log on attempts.
- If the Change Password window is not already open, from the black
header menu bar, select User >
Change Password.
- Enter your current password in the CURRENT PASSWORD field. You
are not required to change your password, but you are required to
enter your current password before creating a security question,
- Select a question from the PASSWORD HINT drop-down list.
- Enter the answer to the selected question in the ANSWER text field.
- Click the SAVE button in the upper
left corner of the window to save your security question and answer.
- When the answer has been successfully saved, click the CLOSE WINDOW
link directly below the "successfully saved" message, or
click the CLOSE (X) box in the upper right corner
of the window.
For more information on security, see PASSWORD