*OPTIONAL FEATURE - Contact your RizePoint representative to enable/disable the Program Compliance Management system.


The following is a list of replacement tags that can be used in Program Compliance notification emails. These emails are defined in System > Correspondence > Templates. Default templates have been provided for you; however, you may customize the contents of the template to meet your needs.

Please note that the value returned on a single tag may vary depending on the level from which it is being sent.


This replacement tag... will be replaced with... Program
Task Level
[[Assigned To]] the user assigned to this task     X
[[Audit]] the name of the auditor assigned to conduct the audit. (This is the same as the [[Auditor]] tag.)     X
[[AuditCompanyAddress]] the entire address of the audit company, as it may appear on an envelope     X
[[AuditCompanyAddress1]] the value assigned to the Address 1 field of the audit company profile     X
[[AuditCompanyAddress2]] the value assigned to the Address 2 field of the audit company profile     X
[[AuditCompanyCity]] the value assigned to the City field of the audit company profile     X
[[AuditCompanyCountry]] the value assigned to the Country field of the audit company profile     X
[[AuditCompanyEmail]] the value assigned to the Email field of the audit company profile     X
[[AuditCompanyName]] the name of the audit company      X
[[AuditCompanyPhone]] the phone number specified in the audit company profile     X
[[AuditCompanyPostalCode]] the postal code specified in the audit company profile      X
[[AuditCompanyProvince]] the Province specified in the audit company profile     X
[[AuditCompanyState]] the state specified in the audit company profile     X
[[AuditCompanyZip]] the zip code specified in the audit company profile     X
[[AuditForm]] the audit form used for the task (either self-audit or verification audit)     X
[[Auditor]] the auditor assigned to conduct the audit     X
[[AuditorAddress]] the entire address of the auditor, as it may appear on an envelope     X
[[AuditorAddress1]] the value specified in the Address 1 field of the auditor's user profile     X
[[AuditorAddress2]] the value specified in the Address 2 field of the auditor's user profile     X
[[AuditorCity]] the value specified in the City field of the auditor's user profile     X
[[AuditorCountry]] the value specified in the Country field of the auditor's user profile     X
[[AuditorEmail]] the value specified in the Email field of the auditor's user profile     X
[[AuditorName]] the name of the auditor assigned to conduct the audit     X
[[AuditorPhone]] the value specified in the Phone Number field of the auditor's user profile     X
[[AuditorPostalCode]] the value specified in the Postal Code field of the auditor's user profile     X
[[AuditorProvince]] the value specified in the Province field of the auditor's user profile     X
[[AuditorState]] the value specified in the State field of the auditor's user profile     X
[[AuditorZip]] the value specified in the Zip Code field of the auditor's user profile     X
[[AuditRequestEndDate]] the end date requested in the Date Range fields in the Request Audit screen     X
[[AuditRequestStartDate]] the start date requested in the Date Range fields in the Request Audit screen     X
[[AuditScheduledEndDate]] the end date of the scheduled audit     X
[[AuditScheduledStartDate]] the start date of the scheduled audit     X
[[AuditType]] the audit type assigned to the audit     X
[[CurrentDateTime]] the current date and time of the server X    
[[Location]] the name of the location X X  
[[LocationAddress]] the entire address of the location, as it may appear on an envelope   X  
[[LocationAddress1]] the value specified in the Address 1 field of the location profile   X  
[[LocationAddress2]] the value specified in the Address 2 field of the location profile   X  
[[LocationCity]] the value specified in the City field of the location profile   X  
[[LocationComment]] the comment field on the location record if being populated   X  
[[LocationContactName]] the name of the Primary Contact associated with the location   X  
[[LocationCountry]] the value specified in the Country field of the location profile   X  
[[LocationId]] the Location ID of the location X X  
[[LocationName]] the name of the location   X  
[[LocationPhone]] the phone number associated with the location   X  
[[LocationPostalCode]] the value specified in the Postal Code field of the location profile   X  
[[LocationProvince]] the value specified in the Province field of the location profile   X  
[[LocationState]] the value specified in the State field of the location profile   X  
[[LocationType]] the Location Type assigned to the location   X  
[[LocationUDF01]] the value assigned to user-defined location field 01 X X  
[[LocationUDF02]] the value assigned to user-defined location field 02 X X  
[[LocationUDF03]] the value assigned to user-defined location field 03 X X  
[[LocationUDF04]] the value assigned to user-defined location field 04 X X  
[[LocationUDF05]] the value assigned to user-defined location field 05 X X  
[[LocationUDF06]] the value assigned to user-defined location field 06 X X  
[[LocationUDF07]] the value assigned to user-defined location field 07 X X  
[[LocationUDF08]] the value assigned to user-defined location field 08 X X  
[[LocationUDF09]] the value assigned to user-defined location field 09 X X  
[[LocationUDF10]] the value assigned to user-defined location field 10 X X  
[[LocationZip]] the value specified in the Zip Code field of the location profile   X  
[[Logs]] the results of a Launch or Submit action    
[[MilestoneCompletionDate]] the date on which the milestone was marked complete X    
[[MilestoneDescription]] the value specified in the description field of the milestone profile X    
[[MilestoneDueDate]] the date on which the milestone is due X    
[[MilestoneName]] the name of the milestone X    
[[PaymentAmount]] the amount of the payment. <No Payment> will display is no payment has been made.     X
[[PaymentDate]] the date on which the payment was made. <No Payment> will display is no payment has been made.     X
[[PaymentTransactionNumber]] the transaction number of the payment that was made. <No Payment> will display is no payment has been made.     X
[[ProgramDescription]] the value specified in the Description field of the program profile X    
[[ProgramEndDate]] the date on which the program ended (the date on which the END PROGRAM button was clicked). X    
[[ProgramLastDueDate]] the due date of the last task of the program X    
[[ProgramName]] the name of the program X    
[[ProgramStartDate]] the date on which the program was launched X    
[[TaskCancelledDate]] the date on which the task was cancelled     X
[[TaskCompletionDate]] the date on which the task was marked complete     X
[[TaskDaysTilDue]] the number of days until the task is due     X
[[TaskDescription]] the value specified in the Description field of the task profile     X


the date on which the task is due




[[TaskName]] the name of the task X X X
[[TaskNameDueDate]]       X
[[Tasks]] a list of all tasks, either in the program, or assigned to a location X
[[TasksModified]] a list of all tasks that have been modified, either in the program or assigned to a location  
a list of all tasks that have not yet been completed, either in the program or assigned to a location  


[[TasksPastDue]] a list of tasks past due by name, due date, and assigned to     X


ref: Programs