User Prompts

Your administrator may require that you update or confirm information about yourself before you can access the website. If so, the prompt screen will open immediately after you sign in.

You may be prompted for one of the following:



  1. Provide the information requested in the User Information prompt screen. (Note that the specific information requested is determined by your administrator.)

  2. Click the SAVE button in the upper left corner. A message confirms that the data was successfully saved.
  3. Click the CONTINUE button to complete signing on to RizePoint.



If you are a primary contact for one or more locations, you may be prompted to update (or verify) the Location Information.

  1. Provide the information requested for the specified location in the Location Information Prompt screen.

  2. Click the SAVE AND CONTINUE   button in the upper left corner.

    A message confirms that the data was successfully saved.

  3. Click the CONTINUE button to complete signing on to RizePoint.
If you are the primary contact for more than one location, a list of all locations you are associated with is displayed.
  1. Click on the first location to select it.

  2. Update the information as necessary.
  3. Click the Save and Update Next Location   button.
  4. Continue updating all locations.
  5. When all locations have been updated, click the CONTINUE button.



  1. If the License Agreement screen opens, carefully read the information displayed in the window.

  2. Click either the I AGREE or the I DISAGREE button.

If you click the I DISAGREE button, sign in fails, and you are returned to the Sign In screen.