Conditional Choice Enhancements

OPTIONAL FEATURE - Contact your RizePoint representative to enable/disable this option.

When this option is enabled, conditions associated with Temperature, Spinner, and Numeric questions have all of the same parameters that are available with choices for other question types.

When defining conditions to a Temperature, Spinner, or Numeric question, the New Condition screen includes several additional fields.

Three of these fields are identical to those found on the New Choice screen when defining choices for other question types:

The DEFAULT CONDITION checkbox is used to designate a default condition that will be chosen if no other condition is met by the answer.

Do not confuse the DEFAULT CONDITION specified in this dialog...

...with the DEFAULT ANSWER that appears when an auditor answers YES to "Apply Default Answers" question at the beginning of an audit.


...with the DEFAULT CHOICE that may be defined for other question types. This is the default answer choice that appears on audit forms when the auditor chooses to "Apply Default Answers" at the beginning of an audit.



We'll use a Numeric question as an example. Thus far we've defined three conditions, as shown below.

The ORDER column allows you to specify the order in which the condition is checked. The order assigned to a condition can be important.

For example, if an auditor enters 71 as the answer to the question in the example above, the first condition is checked. Because 71 does not fall between 60 - 67, the answer is compared to the second condition. Since 71 falls within the range of 68 - 74, no further conditions are checked, and the parameters associated with this condition are applied at this time.

If instead the answer is 81, then 81 is compared with the first condition. Since 81 doesn't fall between 60 - 67, the condition fails, and the second condition is tested. It also fails, and the third condition is tested. It, too, fails. Since no other conditions have been defined, 81 is simply recorded on the audit form as the answer, but none of the parameters associated with any conditions are applied.

Conditions may overlap and may be duplicated. For example, if Condition #1 is Range 60 - 67, and Condition #2 is Range 61 - 67, and the answer is 62, then the second condition will never be tested because the answer will always be caught when the first condition is tested.

In the previous example, conditions have been set for temperatures between 60 and 80 degrees. We have already determined that temperatures below 60 degrees or above 80 degrees are unacceptable temperatures for the dining room, so we want both of those conditions to be designated as non-compliant. We can create a DEFAULT CONDITION, or catch-all, for all answers not met my the conditions already defined.

We create one additional condition, but this time we check the DEFAULT CONDITION checkbox.

Notice that you cannot specify an order for the DEFAULT CONDITION. This is because all other conditions are always checked first. If the answer does not meet one of the other conditions, then the DEFAULT CONDITION is selected and the parameters associated with it are applied. Even if you create another condition after creating the DEFAULT CONDITION, the DEFAULT CONDITION will always appear last.

You may notice that if you set a condition in the New Condition screen, then check the DEFAULT CONDITION checkbox, the condition you set disappears. This is because the default has no specific conditions associated with it. It catches all answers that do not match any of the other conditions.

Only one default condition may be defined. Once a default condition has been defined, the DEFAULT CONDITION checkbox on all other conditions is disabled and may not be selected. However, designating a default condition is not required.


ref: condchoice