Window Controls



The menu bar at the top of the window allows you to easily navigate to the various sections of the application. The exact contents of the menu bar is determined by the user who is currently logged on. For example, a high-level administrator may have access to more sections of the application than a regional manager. In addition, the options available on the menu bar, as well as the order in which they appear, may differ if they have been customized for you by RizePoint. For more information on the menus, see the RizePoint Administrative Header and Main Menu topic.



The RizePoint Enterprise application contains different types of tool bars (also referred to as button bars). The contents of the tool bar depends on the page being viewed, as well as the permissions of the user who is currently logged in. Buttons that are not available to the current user are either not present on the tool bar, or they are greyed out and unavailable.


Most of the pages in RizePoint Enterprise use a "grid" layout. These pages contain a standard grid tool bar at the top of the page. The various Profile pages also contain a secondary tool bar that contains buttons for managing the current profile. Depending on the location within the application, and the permissions of the current user, these tool bars may contain the following buttons:

NEW - allows you to create a new record.

EMAIL - allows you to send email to the selected record(s) or send the selected item to a designated recipient, depending on the page.

DELETE - allows you to delete the selected item, when applicable.

TREE VIEW - displays a tree view of the management hierarchy.

EDIT - allows you to edit the selected record.

COPY - allows you to the selected item.

WORD - allows you to export the page to a Word document.*

EXCEL - allows you to export the page to an Excel spreadsheet.*

VIEW ARCHIVE - allows you to view the contents of the archive.

ARCHIVE SELECTED FILES - allows you to archive the selected records.

RESTORE - allows you to restore a record that was previously archived.

IMPORT - allows you to import data, such as a question, answer choice, etc.

CHANGE USERNAME/PASSWORD - allows you to change the username or password associated with a user in the system.

UNLOCK USER - allows you to unlock a user who is currently locked out of the system.

ASSIGN USER - allows you to associate a contact with a user in the system.

REMOVE USER - allows you to remove the associate between a contact and a user.

RESTORE DEFAULTS - allows you to restore the default configuration options.

* Optional - Contact RizePoint for details.



Some of the pages use a "legacy" tool bar. This is the type of tool bar that was used in previous versions of the RizePoint application. For example, this type of tool bar appears at the top of the Audit Priority page and at the top of the Audit Images page. This tool bar may contain the following buttons:

SAVE - saves any changes made to the selected record.

PREVIEW - allows you to view selected items, when applicable.

CANCEL - cancels any changes made to the selected record.

SEARCH - allows you to search for a record in the system.

EDIT - allows you to edit the selected record.

NEW - allows you to create a new record.

COPY - allows you to copy the selected record.

IMPORT - allows you to import an existing record.

ARCHIVE SELECTED FILES - allows you to archive the selected records.

RESTORE FROM ARCHIVE - allows you to restore the selected records from the archive.

VIEW ARCHIVE - allows you to view the contents of the archive.

DELETE - allows you to delete the selected records.

Other tool bars are explained in the applicable section of the online help.  For example, the tool bar found at the top of the Enterprise Intelligence reports is explained in the Level 1 and Level 2 Window Controls pages, the tool bars at the top of the audit window are explained in the application section of Mobile Auditor or Online Audits, etc.



If the page you're viewing contains a grid, or table, it can be sorted by any column. By default, the grids are sorted by the first column on the left, in ascending order.

If a grid has been re-sorted, it appears highlighted, and an up or down arrow appears beside the column name, indicating the grid is currently being sorted by this column, in ascending (up arrow) or descending (down arrow) order.

When you click on a different column header, that column highlights.

If an UP ARROW is displayed, the table is currently ordered by this column in ascending order.

If a DOWN ARROW is displayed, then the table is ordered by this column in descending order.

You can click on any column heading to sort the list by that column. Each time you click the column heading, it toggles between Ascending and Descending order.



Controls are provided at the top of the grid that allow you to specify which records are displayed on the screen.

The PAGE SIZE droplist lets you specify how many records to display on each page. Your selection is remembered for the remainder of the session, so each time you return to the page, it remembers the value selected here. Controls are also provided that let you navigate from page to page. You can move to the previous or next page, the first or last page, or you can click directly on the page that you want to view. The total number of records and total number of pages are displayed on the far right.



While there are many ways to navigate from page to page, it is most efficient to use the navigation bar at the top of the window. It is always preferable to use the RETURN button provided at the top of the page rather that the browser window's BACK button.

In many instances, you'll navigate from page to page using the tabs on the various profile pages. For example, if you're adding audit forms, roles, management levels, etc., to a User profile page, you'll click the various tabs to move from one location to another.

Continuing to click links on the various tabs excessively may result in a loss of the Return functionality, as the URL that is maintained when navigating in this manner may reach its maximum limitation.  While the likelihood of this happening is miniscule, just keep in mind that if you have problems with navigation, simply click a link on the main menu bar to restore Return functionality.