Configuring Columns for the DATA EXTRACT TO EXCEL Report
When you click the CONFIGURE COLUMNS button, a list of all available data fields is displayed. Any of these fields may appear as column headings in the exported Excel report.
- Address 1 - This is the address that appears in Mobile Manager in the ADDRESS 1 field in the Location Information window of the location being audited
- Address 2 - This is the address that appears in Mobile Manager in the ADDRESS 2 field in the Location Information window of the location being audited.
- Answer Text* - This is the predefined answer text associated with radio and drop-list questions that appears on the audit form. (For example: YES, NO, N/A, etc.) Do not confuse this field with the text entered by an auditor during the course of an audit. Select AUDITOR INPUT (see below) for text entered by the auditor.
- Application Version - This is the version of Mobile Auditor that was used to conduct this audit.
- Audit Category Name - This is the name of the audit category.
- Audit Category Score - This is the score that was earned for this audit category.
- Audit Category Weight - This is the weight that was assigned to this audit category.
- Audit ID - This is the ID of this audit form. The Audit ID is listed in the Audit Forms list in Mobile Manager.
- Audit Name - This is the name that was assigned to this audit form.
- Audit Type - This is the audit type that was selected when this audit was conducted.
- Auditor First Name - This is the first name of the person conducting the audit.
- Auditor Input* - This displays the text entered by the auditor in response to the selected text questions. (When you select this option, you will need to select the questions that you want to include in the report.)
- Auditor Last Name - This is the last name of the person conducting the audit.
- Choice Points* - This is the number of points associated with the selected answer choice.
- Choice Total Points* - This is the total number of points available for this answer choice.
- City - This is the city in which the audit was conducted (the city in which the location on which the audit that was conducted resides).
- Comment - This displays all predefined comments for the selected questions. (When you select this option, you will need to select the questions that you want to include.)
- Company - This is the company associated with the user conducting the audit.
- Contact Email - This is the email address of the person listed as the Primary Contact for this location.
- Contact Fax - This is the fax number of the person listed as the Primary Contact for this location.
- Contact Name - This is the name of the person listed as the Primary Contact for this location.
- Contact Phone - This is the phone number of the person listed as the Primary Contact for this location.
- Correct Choice* - This displays the points earned for a correct answer choice for the selected questions.
- Country - This is the country in which the location being audited resides.
- Critical Choice* - This option displays all answer choices designated as CRITICAL.
- Email - This is the email address associated with the location on which the audit is being conducted.
- Email Back - This is the email address in the EMAIL BACK field on the signature screen in Mobile Auditor PC and Mobile Auditor PPC.
- End Date - This is the actual date on which the audit was concluded. (If a different end date was specified in Mobile Auditor Web, this is the date selected in the END DATE field in the Start New Audit window.)
- Fax - This is the fax number associated with the location on which the audit is being conducted.
- Fax Back - This is the fax number in the FAX BACK field on the signature screen in Mobile Auditor PC and Mobile Auditor PPC.
- Location ID - This is the Location ID of the location being audited.
- Location Name - This is the name of the location being audited.
- Location Rep Name - This is the Location Representative name that appears on the Signature screen in Mobile Auditor PC/PPC.
- Mail Stop - This the Mail Stop associated with the location being audited.
- Management ID - This is the management ID of location being audited.
- Management Name - This is the name of the management level being audited.
- Name First - This is the first name of the person conducting the audit.
- Name Last - This is the last name of the person conducting the audit.
- Notes - This column will include all audit-level notes for the audit.
- Overall Score - This is the total score, in percentage, of the audit.
- Phone 1 - This is the primary phone number of the location being audited.
- Phone 2 - This is the secondary phone number of the location being audited.
- Points Earned - This is the total points earned for the audit.
- Postal Code - This is the postal code associated with the location being audited.
- Priority - This is the priority that was assigned to the answer choice.
- Question Comments* - These are question-level comments that have been added by the auditor.
- Question ID* - This is the ID assigned to the selected questions.
- Question Text* - This is the text of the selected questions.
- Report Category - This option displays the selected report categories in the audit.
- Report Category ID - This option displays the ID of the selected report categories in the audit.
- Report Category Score - This option displays the score, in percentage, earned for each selected report category.
- Start Date Local - This is the actual date on which the audit began. (If a different end date was specified in Mobile Auditor Web, this is the date selected in the START DATE field in the Start New Audit window.)
- State - This is the state associated with the location being audited.
- Total Points Possible - This is the total points possible for the entire audit.
- Upload Date - This is the date on which the audit results were uploaded to the server from Mobile Auditor PC/PPC.
- User Field 1 - This displays the contents of User-defined Field #1 (optional).
- User Field 10 - This displays the contents of User-defined Field #10 (optional).
- User Field 2 - This displays the contents of User-defined Field #2 (optional).
- User Field 3 - This displays the contents of User-defined Field #3 (optional).
- User Field 4 - This displays the contents of User-defined Field #4 (optional).
- User Field 5 - This displays the contents of User-defined Field #5 (optional).
- User Field 6 - This displays the contents of User-defined Field #6 (optional).
- User Field 7 - This displays the contents of User-defined Field #7 (optional).
- User Field 8 - This displays the contents of User-defined Field #8 (optional).
- User Field 9 - This displays the contents of User-defined Field #9 (optional).
- Weighted Score - This is the weighted score, in percentage, that this audit received.
*When this option is included, you may further filter the data by selecting an option from the ANSWER CHOICE FILTER on the Report Definition screen, directly above the CONFIGURE COLUMNS button.