Base Reports

RizePoint provides the following management reports to help you analyze the data you collect. Note that all reports may be exported to PDF format.

  1. ACTION PLAN COMPLETION - This report shows the Action Plan status of all locations and management levels selected. An action plan is required for all questions that received non-compliant answers. The PERCENT PLANNED column contains the percentage of required action plans that have been defined, and the PERCENT COMPLETE column contains the percentage of required action plans that have been completed. With this information, it becomes apparent which locations have implemented corrective Action Plans and to what degree the Action Plans have been defined and completed.
    This report includes only those audit results that contain at least one non-compliant answer.
  2. AUDIT APPROVAL SUMMARY - This report shows the status of audit results. It is used in conjunction with the Audit Maintenance Tool feedback report, which allows users with the proper permission the ability to approve or modify audit results.
  3. AUDIT SCORE DISTRIBUTION - This report displays the distribution of scores for a selected range of audits.
  4. AUDIT SCORE SUMMARY - Similar to the audit results list, this report provides access to summary reports and action plans for an audit. The Audit Score Summary report, however, also lets you compare results over a set of audits that are grouped by location, management level, or auditor.
  5. AUDITOR SUMMARY - This report tracks the number of audits conducted by a particular auditor(s), and the audit results from all audits conducted by the auditor.
  6. CRITICAL ITEMS ACTION PLAN COMPLETION - This report details the status of the action plan for audit questions designated as critical. The report allows a user to determine the status by detailing how many corrective actions have been assigned to the questions designated as critical, and of those questions, how many of the actions have been completed.
  7. DATA EXTRACT TO EXCEL - This report extracts data from one or more audit results and places it into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
  8. DETAILED AUDITOR SUMMARY - This report lists each audit conducted by an auditor, including the type of audit, the form used, the date on which the audit was conducted, the location where the audit was conducted, and the score received.
  9. FINDINGS - This report displays all predefined notes associated with the designated audit forms, and the total number of times that each comment was selected during the time period specified. The report displays the questions in the order in which they appear on the audit form.
  10. LOCATION AUDIT SCHEDULING - To generate this report, RizePoint first looks at all locations audited within the specified DATE RANGE, using the specified audit forms. The report then displays only those locations that have not been audited within the number of days specified in the DAYS SINCE LAST field, prior to the current date. This field appears only in the Report Setup screen, so it should be specified at the time the report is run. This report is similar to the LOCATIONS NOT AUDITED report, which displays all locations not audited within the specified date range. In contrast, this report displays locations not audited during a specified number of days within the date range
  11. LOCATION BAR GRAPH - This report displays both a bar graph and a table of the scores received by the specified locations. A GRAPH TYPE droplist at the top of the report allows users to view this report either by month or by quarter. The End Date of the report can be selected by clicking the calendar button beside the End Date field. Once a date is selected, clicking the Refresh button generates a new report with the values specified.
  12. LOCATION MONTHLY SUMMARY - This report displays audit results from specific locations for up to 24 months from the beginning date specified in the DATE RANGE field, allowing managers to view the overall performance of various locations on a month-by-month basis.
  13. LOCATION SUMMARY - This report displays the audit results broken down either by audit categories or by report categories on one or more locations. It includes the date that each audit was conducted, the score of each audit category or report category, and the overall score received. The score is displayed in either points or percentages, depending on the audit form configuration option selected for the form.
  14. LOCATIONS NOT AUDITED - This report displays all locations that have not been audited within the specified date range. This report is similar to the LOCATION AUDIT SCHEDULING report, which displays all reports that have not been audited within a certain number of days within the specified date range. In contrast, this report displays all locations that have not been audited within the date range specified.
  15. MANAGEMENT GRAPHS - This report displays audit results from specified management records in both graph and table formats. A GRAPH TYPE droplist at the top of the report allows users to view this report in one of four different layouts: Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly bar graphs; or in a Yearly line graph. In addition, users can select an ending date for the report by clicking the calendar button beside the End Date field, then clicking the Refresh button to generate a new report with the specified settings.
  16. MANAGEMENT SUMMARY - This report displays detailed audit results based on management levels. Use the NUMBER OF ITEMS field in the Report Setup screen to specify the number of items on which to report (questions, categories, report categories or subcategories). To include the locations from the selected management levels that received the top/worst scores on those items, check the SHOW TOP/WORST LOCATIONS checkbox, and specify the number of locations to include.
  17. PHI INSPECTION SUMMARY - This is a custom report available for clients using RizePoint's Public Health Insider program. It is a report that is used for audits conducted on FORM_3-A, which is a form that matches FDA Form 3-A (also referred to as FDA_54). Note that this report requires the use of specific form and question IDs. Contact RizePoint for assistance.
  18. QUESTION BREAKDOWN - This report displays all questions that received non-compliant answers, the points earned, and the location and date on which the audit was conducted. Clicking the QUESTION TEXT link sorts the questions in ascending or descending alphabetical order; clicking the ACTUAL SCORE link sorts the list according to the score received.
  19. REPEAT VIOLATIONS REPORT* (optional) - This report indicates the areas in which repeat violations occur. Administrators can set up audit forms so that a different point value is assigned to an answer when that choice is selected on subsequent audits, and then generate reports that indicate problem areas.
  20. REPORT CATEGORY DETAIL REPORT - This report displays the management level and location name; the number of questions in each report category that received compliant answers; the total number of questions available in the report category; and, if the form has been configured to calculate percentages rather than points, the percentage of compliant answers in the report category.
  21. REPORT CATEGORY SUMMARY REPORT - This report displays the percentage of compliant answers that a location or management group received in each audit category or in each report category for all audits conducted during the specified time period. The score is displayed in either points or percentages, depending on the audit form configuration option selected for the form.
  22. TOP ISSUES REPORT - This report displays all questions that include pre-defined comments (and any auditor-defined comments associated with questions that contain pre-defined comments), classified according to audit categories or report categories. These reports are especially useful for trend analysis or for determining problem areas within an organization.
  23. TOP ITEMS - This management report allows you to view those questions that were most often found to be either compliant or non-compliant, depending upon your needs. The results are displayed in both bar graph and table form. You can click on the question text to display the answer choices available for that question, then drill-down even further by clicking on an answer choice to display data about the location that selected that answer choice, including the Location Name and ID, the country, audit date, and score. Please note that percentages are based on compliant or non-compliant answer choices only; informational answer choices are ignored.

*OPTIONAL FEATURE - Contact your RizePoint representative to enable this option.