Corrective Action Plans Page


To view the Corrective Action Plans page:

  1. select Action Plans > Plans from the main menu.

The Corrective Action Plans main page has four main components: a Quick Filter, the Corrective Action Plans Pane, the Action Plan Details Pane, the Create Plan button (permissioned), and the Actions Drop-down List.

Audit Form used in the audit

Audit Type used in the audit

Question that generated the non-compliant response

Status of the Action Plan (New, In Progress, etc.)



Audit start date

       Action Plan Details Pane - If you click on the action plan row, the details of that Action Plan will display in the Action Plan Details pane below.   

Action Plan Details

The Action Plan Details pane is divided into two sections:

Question Summary Area - displays the following:

Question Summary Area

The question that generated a non-compliant response.

The answer to the question.

Auditor comments.

All uploaded audit images.


Corrective Action Items - Displays the individual directives that are necessary to bring the non-compliant issue into compliance. From this pane, you are able to create, edit and delete corrective action items.

Corrective Action Items Area



Having Corrective Action Management does not, by itself, change the way the RizePoint application works. To ensure non-compliant audit questions will be channeled into Corrective Action Management, they must be configured to do so.  See Action Plans Setup.


To learn how Corrective Action Management sorts and tracks non-compliant audit questions, see Action Plans Overview.