View Changes to Action Items

All edits to an action item are recorded in a change log at the action item level.

If an action item is deleted, the change history for the action time is also deleted.

To view changes made to action items:

  1. Go to Action Plans > Plans.
  2. From the Plans Screen, click the checkbox of the action plan that has action items that have been edited. The Plan Details screen will open and the CHANGE LOG button displays on the right side of the Corrective Action Items pane.

    Change Log button
  3. Click the CHANGE LOG button. The CHANGE LOG dialog box opens. This box displays a history of all changes made to the action item since it was created.

    View a history of changes to the action item
    The Change Log provides information for the following:

     DATE - displays the date of each change with the most recent changes on top

     USER - displays the username of the person who made the change

     ACTION - displays the action or changes that were taken

     FIELD - describes in which field the edit was made

     NEW VALUE - displays the new edits that were made to the field

      OLD VALUE - displays the information that previously was in the field prior to the edit

  4. Click CLOSE to be redirected back to the Plan Details screen.