Notification Library

OPTIONAL FEATURE - Contact your RizePoint representative to enable/disable this option.

The Notification Library is a collection of pre-configured notification defaults that tell the system which email template to send for a specific type of event in the Program Compliance system, and to whom the notification is to be sent. To set up email templates, see Creating Email Templates.

These are default notifications that you configure ahead of time; then you select which notifications to use with each program. Therefore, you could create multiple notification defaults for the same notification type, and then assign one to one program, and assign another to another program. It is important to always use descriptive names when creating notification defaults, especially when creating multiple default notifications of the same type.

For example, if you want to send an email to notify locations that a task is three days past due, then you would require a notification configuration of the type PRE/POST DUE DATE TASK, named, for example Task 3 Days Past Due, and the notification would be configured to send the email when the task becomes 3 days past due. You could create another task of the same type, and name it, for example, Task 10 Days Past Due, and configure it to send the email when the task is 10 days overdue.

When configuring default notifications, you select to whom the notification is sent. The following recipient types are available, depending on the type of notification you're configuring.

  • Task Owner - Primary Contact of Location, or person to whom the task was delegated.
  • Program Owner - Primary Contact of Location, or person to whom the entire program has been delegated.
  • Role - User(s) assigned to the role that has permissions to administer this program.
  • Auditor - Person who conducts the verification audit.
  • Audit Company - Primary contact of the audit company that is responsible for scheduling the verification audit.


The following types of notifications exist. In most cases, each notification type may require a different email template associated with it. However, some notifications you create may be able to use the same email template.







This email message typically contains a Welcome message and, possibly, a list of tasks. Primary Contact at the location (default)
Program Admin
When a location is added to the program


This email is sent to the audit company responsible for conducting an outside (third party) audit. It typically provides the name and address of the location requesting the audit, and the date range during which the audit is to take place. Audit Company (default)
Program Admin
When the account (location) requests an audit


This notification is sent to the location where an audit has been scheduled. It typically includes the date of the scheduled audit. Task Owner
Program Owner (Location Primary Contact or delegated contact)
Program Admin
Audit Company
When the audit company has scheduled an auditor


This notification sends an email to the Program Administrator (user(s) assigned to the role associated with this program). It typically includes the [[Logs]] tag, which includes all events that have been triggered when the Launch or Submit button has been clicked. Only sent to Program-level Users or assigned Roles (does not go to the location) When the admin launches or clicks the SUBMIT button after making changes


This notification is a single email summary of all the tasks due within a specified time frame. It is triggered if the due date of the task falls before or after the number of days specified. Typically the email template contains the name of the task and the number of days (before or after) the task is due. Program Owner (Location Primary Contact or secondary contact, if the program or task was delegated)
Program Admin
Automatically triggered based on the task due date and configuration of the notification.


This notification is a single email summary of a specific task due within a specified time frame. It typically contains the name of the task and the number of days (before or after) the task is due. Task Owner
Program Owner (Location Primary Contact or secondary contact if the task was delegated)
Program Admin
Automatically triggered based on the task due date and configuration of the notification.


This notification is sent to the new contact when a program has been assigned, or delegated, to a different location contact.
The location must have multiple contacts so the program can be delegated to someone else.
Program Owner
Program Admin
NOTE: Programs can only be delegated among the contacts for the location.
When viewing a specific program for a location, clicking the DELEGATE PROGRAM button triggers this notification.


This notification is sent to the original contact when a program has been assigned, or delegated, to a different location contact. Program Owner (either the original Primary Contact or the delegated contact)
Program Admin
When the program ends. A program ends when the administrator presses the END PROGRAM button or if the Auto-End date and time was set.


This notification is sent to the original contact when a program has been assigned, or delegated, to a different location contact.
The location must have multiple contacts so the program can be delegated to someone else.
Program Owner (either the original Primary Contact or the delegated contact)
Program Admin
NOTE: Programs can only be delegated among the contacts for the location.
When viewing a specific program for a location, clicking the DELEGATE PROGRAM button triggers this notification.


If a location is removed from a program, the notification typically contains a message informing the location that  they are no longer required to complete program tasks. Program Owner (Location Primary Contact or secondary contact if the task was delegated)
Program Admin
When a location is deleted or removed from an active program


This notification informs the owner of a task that a new task has been assigned to him or her. The message typically includes the name and due date of the task.
The location must have multiple contacts so the program can be delegated to someone else.
Task Owner
Program Owner
Program Admin
NOTE: Tasks can only be delegated among the contacts for the location.
When viewing a specific task for a location, clicking the DELEGATE TASK button triggers this notification.


This notification informs the recipient that a single task has been added, changed, or cancelled/deleted. If multiple tasks were changed, then there is one email of this type for each changed task.
Typically the email template contains the name and description of the task.
Task Owner
Program Owner (default) (either the original Primary Contact or to a secondary contact if the program was delegated, or if the single task was delegated)
Program Admin
When the admin makes edits to an active program's tasks and clicks SUBMIT


This notification is a summary of added, changed or deleted tasks. If multiple tasks were changed, only one email will be sent with a list of affected tasks. Program Owner (default) (either the original Primary Contact or to a secondary contact if the program was delegated)
Program Admin
When the admin makes edits to an active program's tasks and clicks SUBMIT


This notification typically contains the name of the task and the date the task was completed. Task Owner
Program Owner
Program Admin
When a task is marked COMPLETE


This notification is sent when a program administrator un-completes a task. Task Owner
Program Owner
Program Admin
When a program administrator clicks the UNDO COMPLETION button for a task.


This notification is sent to the task's original contact when a task has been assigned, or delegated to a different location contact.
The location must have multiple contacts so the program can be delegated to someone else.
Task Owner
Program Owner
Program Admin
NOTE: Tasks can only be delegated among the contacts for the location.
When viewing a specific task for a location, clicking the DELEGATE TASK button triggers this notification.


Default notifications have been configured for you and placed in the Notification Library. These may be edited as required, or you may create new notifications. Remember that the Notification Library contains "default" notifications. Once you add a notification to a program, a copy of the default notification is added to the program, and you may then edit it to fit the needs of that specific program.


To create a new default notification:

  1. Go to Programs > Notification Library. A list of existing default notifications is displayed.
  2. Click the NEW button.

  3. Click the box beside the type of notification that you want to create, then click the NEXT button.

  4. Enter a name for this notification.
  5. From the Template droplist, select the email template to send when this notification type is triggered.

    Select notification template
  6. Select the recipients who should receive this notification. The recipients available depend on the type of notification you're creating.

  7. Provide all of the requested information. The type of notification you're configuring determines the fields available. For example, a notification for PRE/POST DUE DATE TASK also requires you to specify the number of days before or after the due date when the notification is to be sent.
  8. Click the SAVE button.


To edit an existing default notification:

  1. Go to Programs > Notification Library.
  2. Click on the notification that you want to edit.
  3. Click the EDIT pencil.
  4. Edit the fields as required.
  5. Click the SAVE button.


ref: Programs