
To add new products to the product database:

  1. Go to System > Product Manager > Products.
  2. Click NEW. The New Product screen opens.

  3. A PRODUCT ID is assigned automatically. You may change the ID, but the ID must be unique.
  4. Enter a PRODUCT NAME.
  5. Several information fields are also available. These fields are optional. (NOTE: The labels may be edited to meet your needs. See Using the Edit Pencil to Edit Screen Contents.)
  6. Click SAVE. The Product Information screen opens. (NOTE: To access the Product Information screen at a later time, click on the name of the product in the product list.)

  7. Click the PRODUCT CATEGORY button to assign this product to a category:

    You may continue to add products in this manner.

    To remove the product from a product category, click the trashcan icon beside the category to remove it.
  8. Click the RETURN button to return to the product information screen.


Associating the product with an audit form:

  1. Go to System > Product Manager > Products. The Product list is displayed.
  2. Locate the product in the list, then click on the product name. (NOTE: Do not click the Edit pencil. Clicking the Edit pencil allows you to change the Product Name, Product ID, Description, etc. It does not allow you to edit the associated audit forms.)

    The Product Information window opens.

  3. Click the Audit Forms EDIT link on the right to associate audit forms with this product.

  4. Select the audit form.
  5. Click the SAVE button.



Adding the product to a category:

You may have already associated the product with a category when you initially created it.
  1. Go to System > Product Manager > Products. The Product list is displayed.
  2. Locate the product in the list, then click on the product name. (NOTE: Do not click the Edit pencil. Clicking the Edit pencil allows you to change the Product Name, Product ID, Description, etc. It does not allow you to add or edit the category.)

    The Product Information window opens.

  3. Click the PRODUCT CATEGORY button.
  4. Click the ADD button to display a list of categories that have already been defined. If a category contains subcategories, it appears as a link. You can click the link to navigate to the level below.
  5. Once you locate the category in which to place this product, click the ADD icon (plus sign) beside the category name.

You may continue to add products in this manner. To return to the Add New Product screen, click the Product breadcrumb.



To edit a product:

  1. Go to System > Product Manager > Products.
  2. Click the Edit pencil beside the product that you want to edit. You may change the Product Name, Product ID, Description, etc.
  3. Edit the fields as desired.
  4. Click the SAVE button.
To edit the audit forms associated with the product, see Associating the product with an audit form, above.


To delete a product:

  1. Go to System > Product Manager > Products.
  2. Locate the product that you want to delete, then check the corresponding box in the column on the right.

    Note that you may select multiple products to delete at the same time. Clicking the ALL button selects all products; clicking the CLEAR button deselects all products.

  3. Click the DELETE button. A confirmation message displays to confirm the deletion of the selected products.
  4. Click SAVE. The selected products are removed from the Products list.