Logo Configuration

The LOGO CONFIGURATION menu option allows administrators to change the default logo that appears in the header of the RizePoint application. The RizePoint Logo can be replaced with your organization's custom logo.

Each management record may have a different logo associated with it. When a user logs on to RizePoint, the management record associated with the user determines which logo appears at the top of the window.

When working with logos, keep the following in mind:


Recommended Logo Dimensions

Height:  72 pixels

Height:  To fit the image within the header area, the recommended height is 72 pixels.  If an image is taller than 72 pixels, the full height will display, but the image will push the rest of the page elements farther down on the page.

Width:   200 pixels

Width:  Because the screen resolution setting determines the available screen width, the recommended image width is 200 pixels or less.  No scroll bar is provided in the header, but a horizontal scroll bar will be accessible so you can access the Help, Sign Out and Content Editor controls.  

About Logo Dimensions:
  • The RizePoint system will automatically resize your logo image for the space required.
  • If the logo image is greater than 72 pixels vertically x 200 or fewer pixels horizontally, the image will automatically resize the vertical dimension and maintain the aspect ratio.
  • If the logo image is greater than 72 pixels vertically and greater than 200 pixels horizontally, the image will resize as needed while maintaining the aspect ratio.



Only users with the LOGO ADMINISTRATION permission have access to this option. You may want to limit access to only a very few users.

To assign LOGO ADMINISTRATION permissions to a user:

  1. Log on as a user with administrative permissions.
  2. Go to System > Manage People > Users (or Roles).
  3. Select the user (or role) who will be managing logos.
  4. Click the PERMISSIONS tab.
  5. Click the ADD button.
  6. Select the check box next to the LOGO ADMINISTRATION permission.
  7. Click SAVE.
  8. Click RETURN.  The new permission appears on the User Profile permissions page.  


Before logos can be assigned to various management levels, they must first be added to the RizePoint application. They may then be accessed for use, either as the default logo in the header of the application, or associated with the user's management level.  

To add a custom logo:

  1. Log on as a user with LOGO ADMINISTRATION permission.
  2. Go to System > System Setup > Logo Configuration.
  3. Click the NEW button .
  4. Enter a name for this logo in the NAME field, then click the CHOOSE FILE button and locate the image. You may add a JPEG or GIF file, but we recommend a PNG in a vector format.  
    Configure the logo
  5. If you want this logo to become the default logo, select YES from the Default drop-down list.

    The default logo appears in the header before a user logs on. Once a user logs on, the logo associated with the user's management record is displayed instead. If no other logo has been assigned to the user's management record, the default logo remains in the header area of the screen.

    If no logo has been designated as DEFAULT, the RizePoint logo appears in the header on the logon screen. If no logo has been assigned to a user's management record, the RizePoint logo remains in the header after logon, as well.

  6. Click the SAVE button . The image is added to the Logo library.

    Logo appears in image library
To add a custom logo to 360 Mobile Auditor, see Customize 360 MA Logo.


To assign the logo to a management record:

  1. Select MANAGEMENT on the menu bar.
  2. Select the management record to which you want to assign a new logo. The GENERAL INFO tab opens.

  3. Click the EDIT button.

  4. From the LOGO drop-down list, select the logo you want associated with this management record.

  5. Click the SAVE button.

When users assigned to this management record log on, the new logo now appears in the left corner of the header.

After a new logo has been assigned to a management record, it may take up to ten (10) minutes for the new logo to display.