Creating and Editing an Independent Action Plan

When you create and save an Independent Action Plan, it will display along with all other Corrective Action Plans in the  Corrective Action Plan Status Log. For more information, see CAM Plan Status History Log.


To create an Independent Action Plan (IAP):

  1. From the main menu, navigate to Action Plans > Plans.

    The Corrective Action Plans screen displays.

    Action Plans main grid
  2. Click CREATE PLAN.


    The Create Plan dialog displays.

    Create an IAP

    Location* - All locations associated with the logged in User will be selectable from this drop-down.

    Audit Form* - Audit forms associated with the selected Location that have also been set up to use as an IAP form will be available for selection.

    Question* - This allows you to select the associated question triggering the Independent Action Plan.

    Due Date - This is an optional field that allows you to define a date the action plan is due.

    Description - This is an optional field that allows you to add a description for the Action Plan Directive.

    Attach File - Attach an image or a file to the IAP.  Maximum attachment size is 10MB. When you select the IAP from within the CAM grid, the attachment will display in the Plan Details pane below the CAM grid as shown below.

    Attached file in Plan Details
    The items with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory fields.
  3. Enter information in the fields or select the items from the drop-down list, then click SAVE.

    The Independent Action Plan is shown in the Corrective Action Plans grid. This action plan is now available to edit. Edit mode allows you to modify the following fields:  Action Step (Directive), Action Taken, Item Due Date, Item Complete Date, Action Type (use the dropdown menu), and Assigned To (assign the action to a specific user from your contact list).  
    The Audit Type and Audit Start fields will be left blank for Independent Action Plans because they are not associated with an actual audit.
  4. If you wish to edit the Corrective Action Item, click EDIT in the Action Plan Details pane.

    The Action Plan Details pane displays in Edit mode.
    All changes made to an Action Item are recorded in the Action Item Change Log. See View Changes to Action Items.

  5. Once items have been modified, click UPDATE or UPDATE and COMPLETE.

    UPDATE - Updates the modified information and closes out of Edit mode.

    UPDATE AND COMPLETE - Updates the modified information, marks the IAP with a Complete status, and closes Edit mode.

    CANCEL - Exits out of Edit mode without saving any modified information.