Defining a Ratings File

Ratings Level

Each audit form may have its own Ratings file. This file is used to determine whether or not the location passes the audit. You can define multiple levels of ratings, or you can just specify a Pass/Fail score.

  1. Click on the audit form to select it.
  2. Select RATINGS. The Ratings screen opens.

  3. Click NEW. The New Level screen opens.

  4. In the RATING LEVEL TEXT field, enter the text for this rating level. (For example, Excellent, Good, Poor, Pass, Fail). You may also enter an optional description for the rating level.
  5. In the RATING ICON field, you may specify an image to associate with this rating level. For example, you might want to display a "Seal of Excellence" with the highest ratings level. All images currently contained in the Logo library appear in the drop-down list. (If the image hasn't already been added to the Logo Manager, you'll need to add it, then return to the Ratings file later and add the image.)
  6. The REFERENCE field may be used to display alternate rating text.
  7. The COLOR CODE field (requires the Category Ratings option) lets you associate a color with this rating, which you may then include in an Executive Summary feedback report. Click in the COLOR CODE box to display a color picker.

    Once you select the color from the color picker, it appears in the color field, along with its RGB value.

    Instead of using the color picker, you may type any RGB value (in hexadecimal format RRGGBB) directly into the field on the right, then press the tab key.


  8. In the HIGH and LOW SCORE fields, specify the highest and lowest scores possible, in percentage, in order to receive this rating. The high and low scores MUST be entered as a PERCENTAGE.

    You must ensure that the ratings you specify here account for all possible scores. If the score does not fall within one of the specified ratings, the audit result will NOT receive a rating. For example, if you specify a passing score as 75 - 100 points, and a failing score of 0 - 74 points, a score of 74.5 would not receive any rating. To avoid situations such as this, define your ratings using two decimal points (e.g., Pass = 75.00 - 100.00; Fail = 0.00 - 74.99).

    You may enter as many ratings as you want. You are not limited to one passing or one failing rating. However, scores assigned to ratings may not overlap. For example, if you define EXCELLENT as 90 - 100% percent, you cannot define GOOD as 80 - 90%, because both ratings would include a score of 90%.

    Depending on the scoring logic you use, the ratings may exceed 100%. For example, if you include bonus questions, scores may exceed 100%. Be sure that the ratings you specify cover all possible scores that can be obtained on this audit form. If it is possible to receive a score of 150%, then you must make certain that a score of 150% is included within a specified rating.

  9. Select the PASSING checkbox if this score is a passing score. Deselect the box if this is a failing score.
  10. Select SAVE AND CREATE ANOTHER RATING LEVEL to add another ratings level, or select SAVE AND RETURN TO RATINGS when you're finished defining levels.

When you return to the Ratings screen, the Ratings levels you defined appear in the list.

Rating Level Calculator

The Rating Level Calculator is a tool used to support custom rating levels and requires custom setup by a RizePoint engineer. If your organization requires custom calculations, contact your RizePoint representative.

Mobile Auditor Ratings File

The Ratings Level file, described above, is used internally to determine the rating achieved. It is used for generating audit reports and automated feedback reports. The information contained in the file is not available to the auditor conducting the audit. If you want the auditor to have access to this information, you may provide a Mobile Auditor Ratings file.


Enter the contents directly in the text box in the bottom section of the Ratings screen. It is not required that you use HTML formatting for this file, but all text will appear as just plain text, all the same size font, with no bold or no italics. If you're not familiar with HTML formatting, you may want to use an application such as Nvu (an open-source HTML editor that can be downloaded for free at to create the ratings file, and then load the file.


Some HTML tags are not supported, so if the HTML editor you're using adds any of these tags, be sure to remove them. Please note also that using Microsoft Word to create HTML formatting may be problematic. In addition to adding tags that may not be supported by RizePoint, it may also include additional formatting that results in an excessively large file.


A table of commonly used HTML tags is provided for users who may not have access to an HTML editing application, but who may want to provide some minimal formatting. It is by no means a comprehensive listing of all HTML tags available.

This window contains the following buttons: