Create a Supplier Management Record

Create a Form for the Supplier's Management Record

You are now going to create a form to be sent to the supplier via an email invitation. After the supplier completes and submits the form, a RizePoint management record for that supplier will automatically be created.
If the recipient of the invitation is not already a user in the RizePoint application, he or she will receive a prompt to set a username and password after which the user record will automatically be created and associated to the appropriate record. For example, if the supplier recipient received a management record form, the new record will be associated with the management record. If the recipient received a location record form, the supplier will be associated with the location record.
The newly-created record will be automatically assigned to the following: the user who submitted the record, any RizePoint superusers from your organization, and the Client Administrator.
After the supplier submits the management record, you will be able to view it in the RizePoint application. From the main menu, navigate to MANAGEMENT, then select the supplier from the list.



  1. From the main menu, navigate to PROGRAMS *NEW*, then select the program to which the supplier will be associated.  

  2. Select the campaign from the campaign list. A workflow of onboarding activities will display.

    Select a campaign

  3. Moving from left to right, select the first configurable onboarding activity: CREATE NEW SUPPLIER. This will allow you to configure a management form that will contain all of the information you need about the supplier. You will send this form via an email invitation to the supplier to be completed.

    Some of the workflow activities are grayed out and display a lock icon. These locked activities are automated by RizePoint and are not editable or configurable.
    Configurable activities display in blue font. They require configuration by you, the Client Administrator.
    Tasks that display horizontally in the activities below are dependent tasks.

  4. Configurable activities display in blue font

  5. Enter a description and, if necessary, search tags.

    Create the supplier's management record

  6. Specify a fixed or relative due date by activating the drop-down menu items in the DUE DATE INFORMATION field.

    Specify a fixed or relative due date

    Fixed Due Date: This is the date that you want the supplier to complete the management form. Select the calendar date picker to specify the fixed date.

  7. Select a fixed due date

    Relative Due Date: The due date is the number of days the management record form must be completed relative to the campaign's start date, end date or a separate, dependent task. A dependent task is one that will be completed depending on the date a previous task is completed.  
    For example, you could set a relative due date and specify that the managementform is due within 10 days after the supplier receives the invitation to complete the form. In this case, the due date for the completion of the management record is dependent on (or relative to) when the supplier receives the invitation.

    Relative due date

  8. Click NEXT STEP.

    Click NEXT STEP

  9. On the next screen, you can add instructions and/or add Excel, Word or PDF documents by clicking the ADD DOCUMENTS button.

    Add instructions and/or documents

  10. Enter a Management name. This is a required field. Enter an "m" (for management) next to the ADD FIELD line and select management fields to add to the form. Clicking on the name in the drop-down menu will add it to the list above the ADD FIELD as shown below.

    Add fields to the form

  11. Click the checkboxes next to fields you want to be required. The check mark is a toggle. Click it again next to any non-required fields.

    Click checkboxes next to required fields

  12. Hover over the two horizontal lines to drag and drop fields in the order you would like them to display. The field that is being moved will be bounded by a dashed line until it is dropped into place.

    Drag and drop fields

  13. Click UPDATE.

    Click UPDATE

See Create a Supplier Location Record.


For an overview of the Supplier Onboarding process, see the Supplier Onboarding Workflow.