Create an Audit Result Approval Rule

OPTIONAL FEATURE - Contact your RizePoint representative to enable/disable the Audit Result 2.0 functionality to use this feature.

The purpose of an Audit Result Approval Rule is to capture audit results that require a multi-level audit approval process and route them into a separate queue—the Audit Result Approval 2.0 queue—to be approved by multiple approvers before being processed by the RizePoint software.  Audit results will display in the Audit Result Approval 2.0 queue only if an Audit Result Approval Rule was created before the audit was conducted or uploaded.

To set up an Audit Result Approval Rule:

    1. Create the new Audit Result Approval Rule.

    2. Define the Audit Result Approval Rule's criteria.

    3. Specify the Steps for the Audit Result Approval Rule.

    4. Define the Approval Rule Notifications.

    5. Specify the Approval Rule Settings.

Create the New Audit Result Approval Rule:

    1. From the menu bar, select Audit > Audit Setup > Audit Result Approval Rules.

      The Approval Rules grid displays.

    2. Navigate to the Actions dropdown box in the right corner of the grid and select CREATE NEW.

      Create New Rule option  

      A Create New Rule pane will display below the list of existing Approval Rules.

      Create New Rule pane

    3. Enter a name for the new rule in the Rule Name field (required) and a description of the rule (not required).

      Rule name and description  

    4. Click SAVE.  

      Save button

      Note that the Rule Details Summary tab displays the name of the rule, the description (if provided), the Restart on Disapproval check box, and dates that the rule was created and modified.

      Summary tab    

To edit an Audit Result Approval Rule

    1. From the main menu, select  Audit > Audit Setup > Audit Result Approval Rules 2.0.

    2. Select the name of the Audit Result Approval Rule to be edited.

    3. From the Rule Details pane, click the EDIT button.

      Edit button  

      The fields in the Summary tab pane are now editable allowing you to:

      • Edit the rule name.

      • Add, edit or delete the rule description.

    4. Click SAVE to save the changes, or click CANCEL if you do not wish to save any changes.


Define the Audit Result Approval Rule's Criteria

An Audit Result Approval Rule is made up of audit result attributes called CRITERIA that are specific to that rule. When audit results match criteria specified in an Audit Result Approval Rule, the software captures the results and routes them to the Audit Result Approval 2.0 page—a queue of submitted audit results to be approved in the multi-level audit approval process. When you set up an Audit Result Approval Rule, the configuration of rule criteria is determined and customized by you.  

The attributes for a rule are:


An Audit Result Approval Rule does not require one of each of the attributes, but it must contain at least one audit form, or one audit type, or one location. For example, one rule may be comprised of simply one audit form.  Another rule may be comprised of a specific audit form, a specific location, and an audit type.

Audit results will only be routed to the Audit Result Approval 2.0 queue if the Audit Result Approval Rule was created before the audit was conducted or uploaded.   After an audit has been approved, it will be automatically routed to the VIEW AUDIT RESULTS page. 


To define the criteria for an Audit Result Approval Rule:

    1. From the menu bar, select Audit > Audit Setup > Audit Result Approval.

    2. Select the name of the Audit Result Approval Rule to which you will assign criteria.

    3. Click the CRITERIA tab. If you just finished naming the rule, simply click on the CRITERIA tab next to the SUMMARY tab.

    4. Specify the rule's criteria.  In this example, we will set up an Audit Result Approval Rule that uses one audit form, one audit type, and one location.  

      IMPORTANT:   You may assign more than one of each attribute to the rule by holding the SHIFT key while clicking on each criterion to be placed in the rule. Audits that match rule criteria will be captured and sent to the Audit Result Approval 2.0 grid. Be cautious to avoid setting up rules that "overlap" such that an incoming audit result could potentially match more than one rule.

    5. From the Audit Form grid, click ADD.

      Add button

      A pop-up list of all audit forms to which the logged-on user has access will display, and the Approval Rules grid will be grayed out in the background. By default, 10 grid items display alphabetically per page. To view more audit forms, use the page selector at the bottom of the list.

      Page selector
      To find a specific audit form, use the column search filter on the right side of each column.

      Column search filter

    6. Select the audit form(s) to be used in the rule.

      Add Audit Form

      Notice that the Audit Forms grid displays the Audit Name, Audit Reference, Audit Description, and the audit form's Creation Date.

      Audit form details

    7. Click SAVE. Notice that the name of the audit form you selected now displays in the Audit Form criteria grid.

    8. If you will assign an audit type to the rule, navigate to the Audit Type grid and click ADD. To view more audit types, use the page selector at the bottom of the list. To find a specific audit type, use the column search filter on the right side of each column.

    9. Select the audit type(s) to be used in the rule. The Audit Type Name column displays the names of all audit types from which you can choose.

      Audit types

    10. Click SAVE. Notice that the name of the audit type you selected now displays in the Audit Type criteria grid.

    11. If you will assign a location to the rule, navigate to the Location grid and click ADD. The ADD LOCATIONS selection grid will display. Notice that the location name and location ID displays in this grid.

    12. Select the location(s) to be used in the rule.


    13. Click SAVE. The name of the location you selected now displays in the Locations grid.

Notes about Audit Result Approval Rule Criteria

Specify the Steps for the Audit Result Approval Rule

The steps in an Audit Result Approval Rule define who the audit result approvers are, and the sequence that each approver(s) reviews the result.

    1. From the menu bar, select Audit > Audit Setup > Audit Result Approval Rules.

    2. Click on the name of the Audit Result Approval Rule to which you will assign steps. If you are creating a new rule and have already named it and designated the rule's criteria, simply click on the STEPS tab next to the CRITERIA tab.

    3. Click the STEPS tab.

      Steps tab  

    4. Click the ADD STEP button.

      Add Step button

      The Approval Steps box will display.

      Approval Steps box

    5. Click the ROLE drop-down menu. Select the role that will be responsible for reviewing audit results for that step in the approval process.

      Role dropdown menu 

      It is not necessary for each person to approve the audit results.  Only one person—determined by your organization—in that role is required to review and approve or disapprove the audit results.
    6. Click the USER drop-down menu. Select an individual user or users who will be responsible for reviewing audit results for that step in the approval process.

      User dropdown menu  

      Although it is possible to designate the name of an individual user to be notified, the best practice is to designate a role for each step. This is because once the rule is in use (i.e. once an audit matches the rule criteria, and audit results are routed to the Audit Result Approval process), it is not possible to edit the steps within a rule. You are able to edit users within a role, but it is not possible to edit the user assigned to a step once the rule is in use.
    7. Click the SEQUENCE field. Using the up and down arrow keys, specify at what step in the approval process the approver(s) will be responsible for reviewing and approving an audit result. For example, clicking "1" will make the role or user the first person(s) to approve audit results.

      Sequence field

    8. Click SAVE. If you do not want to save this approval step, press CANCEL.  

    9. To add another approver, click ADD STEP. Follow steps 1 through 8 above to add more approvers.

      Add Step button


Define the Approval Rule Notifications

The Approval Rule Notifications allow you to define which users get notified during the approval process.

To define the approval rule notifications:

  1. Select the Notifications tab. The content of the Rules Details Notifications tab displays.

    Approval Notifications Tab

    Approver Notifications - This section allows you to identify which template to use for approved notifications, disapproved notifications and pending approval notifications that will be sent to the approver.

    Auditor Notifications - This section allows you to identify which template to use for disapproved notifications that will be sent to the auditor.

  2. Click EDIT. The Rule Details Notification tab displays in edit mode.

    Edit notifications

  3. Click the drop-down arrow to view and select the appropriate templates for each notification type. The template options available for selection from the drop-down lists are dependent upon the templates set up to use for your correspondence (System > Correspondence > Templates).

    Select the appropriate notification template

  4. Click the ADD RECIPIENT button from in the Custom Recipient List to display a drop-down menu of standard recipient types that can be added for these notifications. Recipient types can be selected for audits in status Approved, Disapproved, or Pending Approval.


    Select the appropriate Notification Recipient Type

    There is not an option to select a recipient type for the "Disapproved Auditor" notification.
    If Recipient Types are designated in the Audit Result Approval Rule, this will override notifications sending to the role or user for the defined Steps.
  5. Click SAVE.


Specify the Approval Rule Settings

The Approval Rule Settings allow you to specify the approval process flow.

To define the approval rule settings:

  1. Select the Settings tab.

    The Settings tab displays.



    Restart On Disapproval

    If this setting is enabled, a previously disapproved action plan will always enter the approval process at Step 1, when the plan is resubmitted into the approval process.  If this setting is not enabled, the resubmitted plan will enter the approval process at the step in which it was last disapproved.

    Prevent Status Reset on Disapproval

    If this setting is enabled, it will prevent the reset the status. It will leave the status in the current process state.

    Notify Auditor on Disapproval

    If this setting is enabled, the auditor will be notified using the template specified on the Notifications tab when the audit is disapproved.


  1. Click EDIT.
  2. Enable the settings you want by marking the coinciding checkbox.

  3. Click SAVE.


Editing the Steps Sequence

If an audit matches the criteria of an Audit Result Approval Rule, the rule is considered "in use." The Approval Steps of the rule are no longer editable after the rule is "in use."

If you need to edit the sequence of steps in the Audit Result Approval Rule:

    1. From the menu bar, select Audit > Audit Setup > Audit Result Approval Rules.

    2. Click on the name of the Audit Result Approval Rule you wish to edit.

    3. Click the STEPS tab.

      Steps tab  

    4. Select the EDIT button in the step to be edited. For example, if you would like to designate the second approver to be the first approver in the sequence, click the EDIT button in step number 2.

      Edit button

    5. Move the mouse over the Move button. When the mouse displays a four-headed arrow, click and drag the step to the new approval order.

      Approval Step Move Button

      During the click and drag move, a ghost image will display to remind you of the original approval step sequence.

      Once the step has been moved into place, it remains in edit mode.

    6. Click SAVE.

      The Approval Steps boxes are saved with the new sequence.


Delete an Audit Result Approval Rule Step

If you need to delete an Audit Result Approval Rule Step:

    1. From the menu bar, select Audit > Audit Setup > Audit Result Approval Rules.

    2. Click on the name of the Audit Result Approval Rule you wish to delete.

    3. Click the STEPS tab.

    4. Click the DELETE button of the step you wish to delete.

    5. Click OK in the confirmation dialog box, or click CANCEL to maintain the current approval steps and cancel the deletion process.

      OK to delete button


Notes About Approval Rule Steps


To copy an Audit Result Approval Rule

It is possible to copy an existing Audit Result Approval Rule. Copying an Audit Result Approval Rule is efficient because you may only need to make minor changes to an existing rule before having it available for future audits. For example, an existing rule may use the criteria you need, but the approval steps may need to be re-ordered, or additional steps may need to be added. It is often more efficient to make changes to an existing rule than to create a new rule.

If you copy an existing Audit Result Approval Rule, remember that until it is edited, it will exactly match the original rule and any audit results could potentially match both the original rule and the newly copied rule. If that happens, audit results may unintentionally be associated to the wrong rule. For this reason, it is best practice to:

    • Copy the existing Audit Result Approval Rule using the steps below.

    • Immediately edit the rule's criteria and/or steps so that they do not match the rule from which they were copied.

If you need to copy an Audit Result Approval Rule:

    1. From the main menu, select Audit > Audit Setup > Audit Result Approval Rules.

    2. Select the name of the Audit Result Approval Rule to be copied.

    3. From the Actions drop-down menu click COPY APPROVAL RULE.

      Copy Approval Rule

      A Copy Approval Rule confirmation box displays and the Approval Rules grid will be grayed out in the background.

      Copy Approval Rule confirmation

    4. Click SAVE. The copied rule will display in the Approval Rules grid.  It is now possible to edit the copied rule.  Click CANCEL if you do not wish to copy the rule.

      Save copy of the Approval Rule


To delete an Audit Result Approval Rule

    1. From the main menu, select Audit > Audit Setup > Audit Result Approval Rules.

    2. Select the name of the Audit Result Approval Rule to be deleted.

    3. From the Actions drop-down menu click DELETE.

      Delete Audit Result Approval Rule

    4. Click OK in the confirmation dialog box.  The Approval Rules grid will refresh and the rule will no longer be visible in the grid.

      OK to delete rule


See Configure the Audit Result Approval Grid.



ref: AuditApproval2