Automated Feedback Rules

Audit results can be automatically sent to designated users after an audit is conducted. Administrators can define rules to determine under what conditions, and to whom, audit results will be sent. When audit results are uploaded to the system, the automated feedback rules are checked. If all conditions defined by the rule are met, feedback is generated.

For example, you may want a regional manager to be notified whenever any factory within his region fails a specific audit. You can set up a rule that, whenever the results of an audit are uploaded, checks to see if the audit was conducted on any factory within that manager's area, if a specific form was used to conduct the audit, and if the factory received a FAIL rating. If all of these conditions are met, then an email is sent to the manager. A copy of the audit results can also be attached.

From this screen you may:


NEW button - allows you to create a new feedback rule.

COPY button - allows you to copy an existing feedback rule.

DELETE button - allows you to delete the selected feedback rule(s).

EXCEL, WORD or PDF buttons - allows you to export the list of feedback rules.

VIEW ARCHIVE button - allows you to view feedback rules that have been previously deleted and placed in the archive.

Selection checkbox - clicking the checkbox at the top of the table selects all feedback rules; clicking it again deselects all rules.

Rule Name - displays the name of the rule. Click the Rule Name column heading to sort the list by Rule Name.*

Description - displays a description of the rule, if one has been defined. Click the Description column heading to sort the list by description.*

*Clicking the column heading sorts the list in ascending order. Clicking again sorts the list in descending order.