Creating Automated Feedback

Setting up Automated Feedback requires the following steps:


The automated feedback processor is designed to retrieve the HTML data from the loaded page. For customized reports, the RizePoint system allows an API connection that may use a script, to render parts of the report summary when a page loads. In this instance, when an automated feedback rule is used to generate and email the customized report, it will not include the portion that is generated by executing API scripts. To work around this, enable the AbcPdfEnableScripting permission, then have the feedback rule generate the email with a PDF attachment. Enabling this permission notifies the feedback processor to execute the API scripts when rendering a PDF attachment, then it attaches the PDF file to the automated feedback email.



  1. Log on as a user with both AUTOMATED FEEDBACK ADMINISTRATION permission.
  2. Go to System > Correspondence > Automated Feedback Rules.
  3. Click NEW.

  4. In the New Feedback Rule screen, enter a name for the rule. You may also add an optional description.

  5. Check the MANUAL EXECUTION CHECKBOX if you don't want the feedback report to be sent automatically. This option will set up the email/fax notification, but it won't be sent automatically. It will appear in the feedback log, but with "0" attempted deliveries. When you're ready to send the email, you'll need to go to the feedback log and click the email link to send the email.
    If you're creating a rule for the Action Plan Approval Process, be sure to check the MANUAL EXECUTION checkbox.
  6. The DAILY NOTIFICATION FOR LEVEL droplist is for use with the Action Plan approval process. Its use requires custom setup by RizePoint. See Approval Process for more information.
  7. Check the BATCH checkbox if you want to wait until a specified number of audit results have accumulated OR until a specified amount of time has elapsed, and then send them all at the same time. When this box is checked, two additional fields become available:


  8. Click CONTINUE.

    If you're using the Corrective Action Planning* feature (optional):

    • Be sure the BATCH checkbox is checked.
    • Specify the proper amount of time, in minutes, in the WAIT TIME field. For example, if you want to allow one week to complete the action plan, then enter 10080 in this field. (There are 10,080 minutes in one week: 60 minutes x 24 hours = 1440 minutes in a day x 7 days = 10,080 minutes.)
    • Enter a "1" in the BATCH COUNT field so that email will be sent as soon as the WAIT TIME has expired.
    • Select the ACTION PLAN COMPLETION condition, described below.



Specific conditions must be defined for each feedback rule. All of the conditions specified must be met before feedback is sent.


Management and Locations

  1. Click ADD.

  2. Select the Management and Locations to include. You may select entire management levels, or any number of individual locations.
  3. Click SAVE & RETURN.


Audit Forms

You can specify the audit forms in three different ways:

The method you use will depend on how many of the existing audit forms you want to include.

  1. Select ALL or ONLY from the Audit Forms drop-down list.
  2. Click the ADD or EXCLUDE link. A list of all forms is displayed.
  3. Select the audit forms that you want to include, then click the ADD button.
  4. Notice that a RATING LEVELS column now appears. (NOTE: The CONSTRAINTS* column is optional - It allows you to specify feedback rules based on answers to specific questions.)

    The setting in the RATINGS LEVELS column defaults to ALL.

  5. To change the RATING LEVELS setting, select the audit form. (You may click on the Audit ID, the Audit Name, or the Rating Levels link to select the form.)
  6. Select an option from the drop-down list.

  7. Click SAVE & RETURN.

You may only ADD or EXCLUDE one audit form at a time, but you may ADD or EXCLUDE as many audit forms as you want.

Adding an Audit Form to an Automated Feedback Rule Using the Search Filter

  1. From the menu bar, select  System > Correspondence > Automated Feedback Rules.
  2. Select an Automated Feedback Rule from the list.
  3. Navigate to AUDIT FORMS and select ADD.

    Select ADD
  4. Navigate to the filter above the list of audit forms and select which filter you will use:


5.  Enter your search description in the filter field and click APPLY FILTER.  All of the audit forms that match the search description will display.


6.  Click the check box next to each audit form to be associated with the automated feedback rule.

    Select the audit forms

Clicking the check box at the top of the column will automatically select/deselect all audit forms.

     Select all forms

7.  Click ADD. The audit forms associated with the automated feedback rule will be displayed.

    Click ADD

To add constraints based on answers to specific questions: (requires Feedback Constraints option)

  1. Click the CONSTRAINTS link.
  2. Click the Questions - ADD link.

  3. You can search for questions in two different ways:
  4. Select the question.
  5. Select a Constraint Criteria:
  6. Click SAVE & RETURN.
  7. Click RETURN to return to the Feedback Rule screen.

When you return to this screen, the number of Constraints appears in the CONSTRAINTS column. You may add as many constraints as you wish, but you can only add one at a time.

You may only ADD or EXCLUDE one audit form at a time, but you may ADD or EXCLUDE as many audit forms as you want.



  1. Select ALL or ONLY from the Auditors drop-down list.
  2. Click the ADD or EXCLUDE link. A list of all auditors is displayed.
  3. Select the auditor that you want to ADD or EXCLUDE. The selected auditor appears in the Auditor section of the feedback rule.

You may continue to add or exclude auditors, but you may only add or exclude one at a time.


Audit Types

  1. Select ALL or ONLY from the Audit Types drop-down list.
  2. ADD or EXCLUDE audit types, as required.
Be sure that any audit types you want to include here have the ability to generate feedback. If the audit type has not been configured in Audit > Audit Setup > Audit Types to generate feedback, no audits conducted with this audit type will generate automated feedback, even though rules have been previously defined. (See Audit Types.)


 Read Receipt

A Read Receipt can be sent to a designated person to let them know when the Automated Feedback message was read by the specified recipients of the feedback rule. Keep in mind that only one person per automated feedback rule can be designated to receive a Read Receipt.

When a feedback rule recipient receives automated feedback, a message will be displayed informing them that a Read Receipt has been requested. If the user responds with a YES reply, then a Read Receipt is sent to the designated Read Receipt recipient. You may want to instruct your users to always respond with a YES reply when asked if they want to send a read receipt. Otherwise, no Read Receipt will be sent.

To specify a recipient of the Read Receipt:

  1. Click the READ RECEIPT RECIPIENT - EDIT link.

  2. Enter the email address of the person who will receive all Read Receipts for this feedback rule.

  3. Click SAVE. The name of the designated Read Receipt recipient appears in the EMAIL field.



Select ACTION PLAN COMPLETION checkbox to generate automated feedback if the Action Plan has not been completed by the time indicated in the BATCH - WAIT TIME field. (To be considered complete, a Completion Date must be specified for each incorrect/non-compliant item in the Action Plan.)




  1. Click the Recipients - ADD link. The Add Recipient screen opens.

  2. Select either EMAIL or FAX* from the FEEDBACK METHOD drop-down list.
  3. Add the SUBJECT of the message. You may include replacement tags in the subject line.
  4. Click CONTINUE to continue setting up the feedback message.
  5. Click the Sender Address - EDIT link, and enter the email address of the person to whom all email replies to this automated feedback message are sent.

    If this field is left blank, reply email for all automated feedback messages will be sent to the email address specified in the EMAIL ADDRESS INDICATING SENDER FOR AUTOMATED FEEDBACK field on the Prompts page of System > System Setup > Implementation Configuration.

  6. Click SAVE & RETURN.
  7. Click the Message - EDIT link to open the Message screen. You may include replacement tags in the body of the message.
  8. Select a Message Type from the drop-down list:

  9. Click SAVE & RETURN.
  10. Click the Recipient Type - EDIT link.
  11. Select the RECIPIENT TYPE from the drop-down list:

    Recipient Type: Contact Group
    Be sure that a valid email address or fax number exists for the specified recipient type. If no fax or email address exists, then feedback cannot be sent.


    Some RizePoint clients conduct audits at secondary locations, also referred to as "Physical Locations." If the SQS option SecondLocations is enabled, the dropdown menu for Recipient Types will have three additional options from which to choose: Multiple Location Contacts, Selected Customer Recipients, and Selected Supplier Recipients. For a description of Secondary Location Recipient Types, see Secondary Locations. See also Physical Location.

  12. Click SAVE. If you selected USER as recipient type, a list of users is displayed. Select the user to whom you want feedback sent. NOTE: Be sure an email or fax number* exists for the user you select.
  13. Click RETURN.

*The EMAIL option is the recommended notification method. Because RizePoint has no control over the state of the equipment on the receiving end, the FAX option may be less reliable than EMAIL. In addition, the FAX option may be expensive, depending on the number of notifications that are sent. Before using the FAX recipient option, both U.S. and International users should check the fax rate at

When using the FAX option, the fax number associated with the specified recipient must be in the proper format. It must appear exactly as dialed from the U.S. If the fax recipient is located outside the U.S., the number must be preceded with 011. Use NO spaces or dashes; use only numerals: enter 011, followed by the fax number.

**There is a Web Configuration option, PREVENT AUTOMATED EMAILS FROM BEING SENT TO INACTIVE USERS, that allows you to prevent automated feedback from being sent to inactive users in the system. When enabled, if the recipient type is designated as USER, LOCATION CONTACT, or MANAGEMENT CONTACT, then no email or fax will be sent if the user or contact is currently designated as INACTIVE, even though all other conditions of the automated feedback rule are met.



If you're sending feedback via EMAIL, you may attach feedback reports to the email. Attachments are specified for EACH recipient.

  1. In the RECIPIENTS field, select the recipient. Notice that you may click on the FEEDBACK METHOD, SUBJECT, or RECIPIENT TYPE link.

  2. Click the Attachment EDIT link.

  3. Check the box beside the report that you want to attach. Note that only those feedback reports associated with the selected audit form(s) are listed.
    If you've already configured this feedback rule with the FEEDBACK REPORT Message Type, do not also attach the same feedback report here. Either configure the rule with the Message Type: TEXT MESSAGE, then attach the feedback report here -- OR -- simply specify the Message Type as FEEDBACK REPORT. (See Setting Up the Feedback Message: Message Type, above.)
  4. From the FEEDBACK FORMAT droplist, select the format in which you want the report to open:
  5. In the Attachment Name field, type a name for the attachment. you may enter a name for the attachment (optional). Do not use any of the following characters in the Attachment Name field:

    ; < > : " / \ | ? *

    The Windows operating system does not permit using these characters in any file name.

    You may, however, include replacement tags in the Attachment Name.

  6. Click SAVE & RETURN.

    Notice the REPLACEMENT TAG FILTERS link. Even when your attachment name does not contain a replacement tag, this link is active so that you may view the tags that are available. However, if the name contains no tags, all of the fields are disabled. Only tags included in the attachment name are available for filtering.

    See Replacement Tags for a description of each tag.
  7. To use the filters, click the REPLACEMENT TAG FILTERS link to open the Replacement Tags screen.

    If your attachment name contains a replacement tag, you may use filters to remove part of the tag. For example, perhaps all location names are preceded or followed by a series of numbers. If desired, you can use the filters to remove all numbers from the location name. Another example: Perhaps you want to include only the first part of the Subject line in the attachment name. You could specify to use only a specified portion of the subject line.

  8. Configure the replacement tag as desired, then click OK to close the Replacement Tags screen.
  9. If you're using languages, click the Language - EDIT link to specify the language in which you want the attachment to appear.
  10. Click RETURN.


In an Automated Feedback Rule, you can search for critical questions in a single category, or across multiple categories.

To search for critical questions in a single category:

  1. Go to System > Correspondence > Automated Feedback Rules.
  2. From the list of rules, click the rule you wish to perform the search in.
  3. Click the number under the Audit Forms Constraints column.

  4. Click Add.

  5. From the Audit Category drop-down list, select the category you wish to search in for the critical questions.

  6. Click Save & Return.


To search for critical questions across all categories:

  1. Go to System > Correspondence > Automated Feedback Rules.
  2. From the list of rules, click the rule you wish to perform the search in.
  3. Click the number under the Audit Forms Constraints column.

  4. Click Add.

  5. Click the Apply filter to only show questions that can trigger the critical flag checkbox.

  6. From the Audit Category drop-down list, select All Audit Categories.

  7. Click Save & Return.

*OPTIONAL FEATURE - Contact your RizePoint representative to enable this option.