Audit Maintenance Tool

To edit audit results data

  1. Select the AUDIT MAINTENANCE TOOL feedback report from the list of feedback reports. The audit results open in the Assessment Corrections window.

    An EDIT icon appears in front of all editable data.
    As of the July 2017 release, if you change the Account ID (Location ID) in the Audit Maintenance Tool (AMT), the change will now carry through to items that are in Corrective Action Management (CAM). This applies only to Location ID changes within the Audit Maintenance Tool. For example, if you change an answer from "Compliant" to "Non-compliant" in the AMT, that change will NOT carry over to CAM.

  2. Assessment Corrections page
  3. From the Assessment Corrections window, click the EDIT pencil next to the data you want to edit.  

    Edit Pencil
    The CHANGE AN ANSWER edit page displays:

    Change and Answer edit page

Adding an image or adding/editing a comment are two separate actions and cannot be completed simultaneously. For example, if you need to add a comment AND upload an image, each action must be completed independently from the other.


        o Click the Add Image icon. The File Upload page will display.
           Add Image icon

         o  Click CHOOSE FILE to upload the image you want to add.
           Choose an image to upload

              The new image will display next to the question.

             New image

         o  Click SAVE.


    To delete an image:

          o  Click the red X to the left of the image you want to delete. The page will refresh and the image will no longer be displayed.
           Delete an image

CHOICES: Change the choice response by selecting YES or NO.

PRIORITY: Select the priority (Medium - Urgent).   


         o  Add your new comment in the Comments field.

         Add a new comment

         o  Click SAVE & RETURN.

         Click SAVE & RETURN

             The new comment will display.

          New comment displayed

3.  When you are done with editing, click RETURN.

Notice the appearance of the EDIT pencil:

Users without AUDIT RESULTS - VIEW AWAITING APPROVAL permission will only see audit results that have an APPROVED status.

NOTE:  Automated feedback is sent whenever the conditions of a feedback rule are met. Therefore, changing any of the engagement data of an audit result may trigger automated feedback to be sent out again. Note that if the Recipient Type is Management Contact and you edit the location, feedback is sent to the Management Contact on record at the time the results were uploaded, not to the contact associated with the new location.

For more information about approvals, see Audit Result Approval 2.0 and Audit Result Approval 2.0 Permissions.

To approve the audit results:

  1. From the Assessment Corrections screen, click the APPROVE button. A message confirms that the approval occurred.

  2. Click the RETURN button to return to the report window. Notice that the approve button is no longer available. It has been replaced by an UNDO APPROVAL button.

    In the event you want to undo the approval of this audit result, click the UNDO APPROVAL button.

To notify users that a change has occurred:

The Assessment Corrections window contains a SEND EMAIL button. This feature allows administrators to send notification to a list of users informing them that a change has been made to the results of an audit.

  1. Click the SEND EMAIL button. The Send Email screen opens.

    The Subject field contains the LOCATION ID and NAME. You may edit the information in this field.

  2. You may enter one or more email addresses into the Recipient field, or click the SELECT RECIPIENT button to display a list of email addresses of all users in your Managed Users list appear.

  3. Click SEND.


To view the Change History for the Audit Maintenance Tool:

  1. From the Audit Result Location screen, select the Change History tab.  

    The Change History screen displays similar to the one shown below.

    CHANGED - This column provides the date and time the change was made.

    TYPE - This column provides the type of change made.

    NAME - This column provides the name of the item changed.

    OLD VALUE - This column provides the old value prior to the change.

    USERID - This column notes the user that made the change.

    REF# - This column provides you with the reference ID associated with the change.

    NEW VALUE - This column provides you with the new value for questions and comments.  For questions, this field will log responses to the unanswered questions and changes to the existing responses to the Question Answer and Question Condition types.  For comments, this field will log general comments added or changed for the Question Comment and Question Condition types.