Supplier Invitation: Recipients' View

After you invite a supplier to complete campaign activities, the recipient of the invitation will receive an email similar to the one shown below:


Supplier onboarding email invitation


Completing Campaign Activities: Supplier's Responsibilities

During the Supplier Onboarding process, the Client Administrator creates forms and activities for the supplier to complete. Those forms (management record, location record and, possibly, other optional activities) are sent via an email invitation to the supplier on the campaign start date (see sample email above). The recipient of the invitation will become the supplier in the PARENT management position (the supplier (parent) ).  The supplier (parent) must complete the management record form(s), then invite the locations to complete location records.


The supplier (parent) who received an onboarding invitation will complete the following:

  1. The supplier must click the URL link of the email invitation (see sample email above).
  2. If the invitation recipient is not a user in the RizePoint system, they will be prompted to create a user profile including a username (email address) and a password. If the recipient is already in the RizePoint system as a user, the standard RizePoint login screen will display.

    New supplier user profile screen
  3. After logging in to RizePoint, a list of campaign activities assigned to the supplier will display. In the screenshot below, the first task for the supplier (parent) to complete is to create a new supplier. Clicking on the activity will open the management record form.

    Select the activity from the campaign

  4. The management form created by the Client Administrator will display. The supplier (parent) must provide the management information. After the supplier completes this form and clicks SUBMIT, the management record will automatically be created in RizePoint.

    Supplier company's management record
  5. After the management record is submitted, the list of campaign activities is updated. In the example below, the task that is now due is to send an invitation to the location to complete activities assigned to that location. The supplier will click on this task. The LOCATION INVITE screen displays.
    The task to invite more supplier locations always stays active in a supplier onboarding campaign. Keeping the task permanently active enables the supplier to invite more locations to the campaign at any time.

  6. The next supplier task displays
  7. From the LOCATION INVITE screen, the supplier will add the contact information for the primary contact at each location, so those locations can complete location-level tasks. The supplier will click SUBMIT to send the invitation to the locations. Multiple locations can be added to the invitation from the ADD LOCATION button.
    If the campaign has already started, the invitation will be sent immediately, and a confirmation message will display under the RizePoint main menu.

    Confirmation that invitations were sent to locations

    If the campaign start date is still in the future, the invitation will be sent when the campaign starts. Only the Client Administrator has access to the campaign settings tab to view the campaign's start and end dates.

  8. Location Invite screen

    If the supplier (parent) needs to complete the location-level tasks instead of having the location recipient complete them, the supplier (parent) can enter the name of the location on the Location Invite screen, but replace the Primary Contact Email address for the location with his own email address. The location-level tasks will be sent to the supplier (parent) for completion instead of the person at the location.

  9. After the supplier (parent) submits the invitation, the recipient at the location will follow the same user validation process (described in Steps 1 and 2 above) to determine if they are a current or new RizePoint user. After they have logged in (either as an existing or new user), the application will display the campaign activities assigned to that location, and the location user will complete all assigned activities.

    First, the location will complete the location record as assigned in the Campaign Activities screen.

    Campain activities for the location

  10. After the location record has been created and submitted, the list of campaign activities will display for that location. The person at the location will click on each activity, complete the task, then submit it.

    List of activities for the location
  11. After a task has been completed, it will be removed from the list of campaign activities until no more activities are in the queue.

    All campaign activities have been completed

For an overview of the Supplier Onboarding process, see the Supplier Onboarding Workflow.