Answer Choices/Conditions and Comments

To access the Answer Definition screen:

  1. Click on the audit form to select it.
  3. Navigate to the question for which you want to define an answer choice or a comment.
  4. Click on the question to select it.

From the Answer Definition screen, you can:

Not all fields/controls appear in this window. The question type selected in the Question drop-down list determines which controls/fields are displayed.

Question drop-down list - allows you to select the question for which you want to define answer choices/conditions, or comments.

The upper section of the window deals with answer choices or conditions associated with the question selected in the Question drop-down list.

NEW button - allows you to create a new answer choice or condition.

IMPORT button - allows you to import choices/conditions from this or another audit form.

ARCHIVES button - allows you to view a list of all choices/conditions that have been previously deleted. To restore a previously deleted answer choice, click the ARCHIVE button, then select the choice/condition that you want to restore, and click the RESTORE button.

DELETE button - allows you to delete an existing answer choice/condition from the list and place it into an Archive folder.

Selection checkbox - click once to select all choices/conditions; click again to deselect all choices/conditions.

ORDER drop-down list - displays the order in which answer choices appear in Mobile Auditor. Choices appear in the order in which they are created, but if you want to change the order, select the desired position for this choice/condition from the drop-down list.

ANSWER TEXT - displays the answer choice. Clicking on an answer choice in the list allows you to edit the choice.

POINTS EARNED - number of points earned when this answer choice is selected.

TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE - total number of points available for this question.

CORRECT - designates this answer choice as the correct (compliant) choice.

CRITICAL - designates this answer choice as critical.

DEFAULT - designates this answer as the default answer choice when an auditor chooses to display default answers at the beginning of an audit.

NOTES - indicates that selecting this answer choice requires the auditor to enter notes.

SIGNATURE* - if checked, a signature is required if this answer choice is selected.

FORCE FLAG - indicates the condition of the force flag, if any, associated with this answer choice. (Force Fail, Force Pass, Category Fail, Category Pass).

TRIGGER COUNT* - (optional - This field is available only when DYNAMIC QUESTION FUNCTIONALITY is enabled) - indicates the number of questions triggered by this answer choice.

The lower section of the window deals with Comments associated with the question selected in the Question drop-down list.

NEW button - allows you to create predefined comments.

IMPORT button - allows you to copy comments from this or other audit forms.

ARCHIVES button - allows you to view a list of all comments associated with this question that have been deleted.

DELETE button - allows you to delete the selected comment(s) from the list and place them in an Archive folder.

Selection checkbox - click once to select all comments associated with this question; click again to deselect all comments.

ORDER drop-down list - allows you to specify the order in which a comment appears.

COMMENT - displays the text of the comment.

*This field is optional. Contact your RizePoint representative to enable this option.