Assigning Permissions

Permissions can be assigned to individual users, or they can be assigned to roles. It is strongly recommended that you associate permissions with roles, rather than with users. By associating the various permissions to a specific role, you eliminate the need to assign the same permissions to multiple users individually. Instead, you merely need to assign the users to a role, and all permissions associated with the role are automatically granted to the users with the role assignment. Then, if a specific user requires any additional permissions, you may associate those permissions directly with the user.



Note that you may sort the Permissions list by Permission Name or by Group. By default, the list is sorted by Permission Name, but many times you'll find it preferable to sort by Group, allowing you to view all related permissions at a time.

To sort the list, simply click on the column heading. An arrow beside a column name indicates that the table is currently being sorted by this column. An UP arrow beside the column name indicates the table is currently sorted by this column in ascending order; a DOWN arrow indicates descending order.

As with all grid pages, you may sort by any column. However, there is no advantage to sorting the Permissions table by description.



The list of permissions is separated into groups, according to the function provided by the permission. Some permission groups may not be available, depending on the specific options enabled in your implementation of the application.



The specific permissions available depend on which optional features are enabled in your implementation of RizePoint. When you click the ADD button on the Permissions tab of the User or Role profile pages, all available permissions appear in the list. Note that if a permission has already been granted to the role or user, it is no longer available and therefore does not appear in the list. However, if a permission has been assigned to a user through a role assignment, the permission is still available and can be assigned to the user directly.

Below is a list of all permissions. The permission group associated with the permission appears in parentheses next to the permission name. Some permissions may not be available. The specific permissions available to you depend on the options that are enabled in your implementation of the application.

ACTION PLAN - APPROVE (Reporting): Allows users to approve action plan items in the Action Plan feedback report.

ACTION PLAN - COMPLETION DATE (Reporting): Allows users to modify the completion date in the online Corrective Action Plan report.

ACTION PLAN - CREATE (Reporting): Allows users to create action plan items in the online Action Plan feedback report.

ACTION PLAN - DELETE (Reporting): Allows users to delete existing action plan items from the online Action Plan feedback report.

ACTION PLAN - EDIT (Reporting): Allows users to edit action plan items in the online Action Plan feedback report. See Editing Feedback Report Action Plans.

ACTION PLAN - MODIFY ACTION PLAN DESCRIPTION (Reporting): Allows a user to modify action plan description in the Feedback Report Action Plan box.  Requires ACTION PLAN - EDIT permission.  See Editing Feedback Report Action Plans.

ACTION PLAN - MODIFY CORRECTIVE ACTION (Reporting): Allows a user to modify action plan corrective action description in the Feedback Report Preventive Action Plan box. Requires ACTION PLAN - EDIT permission. See Editing Feedback Report Action Plans.

ACTIVE HOME PAGE ADMIN (System): Allows a user to create/edit/delete Active Home Pages.

ALLOW RESULT VALIDATION ADMINISTRATION (Audit): Allows users to correct, submit, or delete Audit Results when they select Validate Audit Results from the Audit menu. Users without this permission may still view the results, but they cannot delete or edit results.

APPROVE ALL AUDITS (Audit): Enables an APPROVE AUDITS button at the top of the Audit Approval page, which allows for batch approval of audit results.

APPROVE AUDIT RESULTS (Audit): Enables a user to Approve or Disapprove Audit Results in Audit Result Approval 2.0.

AUDIT - COPY (Audit): Allows a user to copy an audit form. Without this permission, the COPY button is not available on the audit form list. In addition, the FORM ADMINISTRATION (Audit) and the SYSTEM SETUP (System) permissions are also required.

AUDIT - CREATE (Audit): Allows a user to create an audit form. Without this permission, the NEW button is not available on the audit form list. In addition, the FORM ADMINISTRATION (Audit) and the SYSTEM SETUP (System) permissions are also required.

AUDIT - DELETE (Audit): Allows a user to delete an existing audit form. Without this permission, the DELETE button is not available on the audit form list. In addition, the FORM ADMINISTRATION (Audit) and the SYSTEM SETUP (System) permissions are also required.

AUDIT - GLOBAL COMBO BOX (Audit): Allows a user to create, edit, or delete global combo box items. Without this permission, the GLOBAL COMBO BOX command in the Audit Setup menu is not available. In addition, the FORM ADMINISTRATION (Audit) and the SYSTEM SETUP (System) permissions are also required.

AUDIT - PORT (Audit): Allows a user to port audit forms to another site. Without this permission, the PORT button is not available on the audit form list. In addition, the FORM ADMINISTRATION (Audit) and the SYSTEM SETUP (System) permissions are also required.

AUDIT RESULT STATUS (Audit): Enables a user to view the audit result approval status (Audit Result Approval 2.0) of his/her audits that have not yet been approved. However, a super user will be able to view the approval status of all audits that have not yet been approved.

AUDIT - RESULT EXPORT (Audit): Allows a user to export results from specific forms to PDF.

AUDIT - VIEW ARCHIVE (Audit): Allows a user to view archived audit forms. Without this permission, the VIEW ARCHIVE button is not available on the audit form list. In addition, the FORM ADMINISTRATION (Audit) permission is also required.

AUDIT COMPANIES (System): Allows a user to create, edit, or delete audit companies.

AUDIT IMAGE ACCESS (Audit): Allows a users to view, add, or delete images from audit results.

AUDIT IMAGE ARCHIVE (Audit): Allows a user to archive images from audit results.

AUDIT TYPES (Audit): Allows a user to create, modify, or delete audit types. In addition, the FORM ADMINISTRATION (Audit) permission is also required.

AUDIT VALIDATION (Audit): Allows a user to edit, submit, or delete audit results being held in audit validation due to invalid engagement data.

AUTOMATED FEEDBACK ADMINISTRATION (Correspondence): Allows a user to create, edit, or delete the rules for the automatic distribution of audit results via email or fax.

AUTOMATED FEEDBACK LOG (Monitoring): Allows a user to view the list of emails and faxes that have been sent through the automated feedback system.

CHANGE PASSWORD (Security): Allows a user to change his/her password.

CHANGE PASSWORD REQUIREMENTS (Security): Allows a user to modify the security requirements for new passwords. This permission is typically reserved for administrators only.

CONNECTION ADMINISTRATION (Security): Allows a user to view a connection log that displays connection information from 360 MA. In addition, the IMPLEMENTATION CONFIGURATION (Audit) and the EI: SUBSCRIPTION LOG ACCESS or AUTOMATED FEEDBACK LOG permissions are also required. For a detailed description about using this permission, see Auditor Connectivity Log.

CONTACT - ASSIGN USER (People): Allows a user to associate a contact with a user in the system.

CONTACT - CREATE/EDIT (People): Allows a user to create new contacts and edit existing contact information. In addition, the IMPLEMENTATION CONFIGURATION and CONTACTS MENU permissions are also required.

CONTACT - DELETE (People): Provides a DELETE button on the Contacts tab of the Location, Management, and Audit Company profile pages, allowing a user to delete a contact from the Location, Management, or Audit Company profile. In addition, the CONTACT permission on the Location, Management, or Audit Company profile is also required.

CONTACT INFORMATION (System): Provides a Contact Us option in the Accessories menu that, when selected, provides contact information.

CONTACTS MENU (People) - Enables the Contacts menu option in the System > Manage People submenu. This permission also requires the IMPLEMENTATION CONFIGURATION permission.

CONTENT EDITOR (System): Allows a user to edit labels throughout the application in the default language, as well as other languages associated with the implementation.

CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN USER - LOCATION LEVEL (Reporting): Allows a user to perform action plan tasks at the location level. Typically, this allows the location representative to create and submit a plan of action. (Location Level user is sometimes referred to as the Level 0 user.)

CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN USER - MANAGEMENT LEVEL 1 (Reporting): Allows a user to perform management level 1 action plan tasks. Typically, once the Location representative (Location Level user, or Level 0 user) has submitted an action plan, the Management Level 1 user approves or rejects it, which moves it to the next level for approval, or back to the location level to be redone.

CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN USER - MANAGEMENT LEVEL 2 (Reporting): Once the action plan has been approved by Management Level 1 user, it moves to Management Level 2 user for approval. Once approved, it moves to the next level user. If Management Level 2 is the top level user, then once the Level 2 user approves the action plan, it is marked complete.

CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN USER - MANAGEMENT LEVEL 3 (Reporting): After Management Level 2 approves the action plan, it moves to Management Level 3 user for approval. Once approved, it moves to the next level user. If Management Level 3 is the top level user, then once Management Level 3 user approves the action plan, it is marked complete.

CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN USER - MANAGEMENT LEVEL 4 (Reporting): After Management Level 3 approves the action plan, it moves to Management Level 4 user for approval. Once approved, it moves to the next level user. If Management Level 4 is the top level user, then once Management Level 4 user approves the action plan, it is marked complete.

CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN USER - MANAGEMENT LEVEL 5 (Reporting): After Management Level 4 approves the action plan, it moves to Management Level 5 user for approval. Once Management Level 5 user approves the action plan, it is marked as complete.

DELETE AUDIT RESULTS (Audit):  Enables a user to delete audit results in Audit Result Approval 2.0.

DIVISIONS (System): Allows a user to create, modify, or delete divisions.

DOC FLOW (Document Management): A link to the Doc Flow module is provided for users with this permission.

DOC FLOW - ADMINISTRATORS (Document Management): Gives a user administrative permissions in the Doc Flow module.

DOC FLOW - ARCHIVERS (Document Management): Allows a user to archive documents and manage archived documents.

DOC FLOW - CATCH ALL (Document Management): Adds user to the Doc Flow CatchAll group, which receives notifications for supplier tasks that are not assigned to specific users.

DOC FLOW - MANAGE LINKS (Document Management): Allows user to link and manage linked Doc Flow documents.

DOC FLOW - MASTER SPEC APPROVERS (Document Management): Allows user to be added as a member of the Review Panel for Master specifications.

DOC FLOW - MEMBERS (Document Management): Allows user to edit Doc Flow documents.

DOC FLOW - SUPPLIER (Document Management): Indicates user is a Doc Flow supplier.

DOC FLOW - SUPPLIER SPEC APPROVERS (Document Management): Allows user to receive notification and approve Supplier specifications.

DOC FLOW - VISITORS (Document Management): Gives user "read only" permissions in Doc Flow.

DROP LIST CONFIGURATION (System): Allows a user to edit custom fields in a group.

ENGAGEMENT DATA - IMPORT/EXPORT (System): Allows a user to import/export management, locations, and users from/to a Microsoft Excel template. In addition, the SYSTEM SETUP ACCESS permission is also required.

ENGAGEMENT DATA - LIMITED IMPORT/EXPORT (System): Users with this permission may only import/export locations to which they have access, either directly or indirectly. When importing a new location, the user must also have access to the management level in which the new location resides. Note that users with this permission can only import locations; they cannot import management records or users. In addition, the ENGAGEMENT DATA - IMPORT/EXPORT permission (above) and the SYSTEM SETUP ACCESS are required.

ENTERPRISE INTELLIGENCE - REPORT CONSUMER (Reporting): Allows a user access to reports developed in Enterprise Intelligence, either online or through a subscription. Assign this permission to Level 1 users.

ENTERPRISE INTELLIGENCE - REPORT DESIGNER (Reporting): Allows a user to create, modify, or delete reports in Enterprise Intelligence. Assign this permission to administrators with Level 2 licensing. Note that the REPORT CONSUMER permission (Level 1 permission), above, should also be assigned.

ENTERPRISE INTELLIGENCE - REPORT DEVELOPER (Reporting): Allows a user to create and administer reports and documents (includes OLAP functionality). Contact RizePoint for licensing information.

ENTERPRISE INTELLIGENCE - SIMPLE (Reporting): Presents the simplified view of Enterprise Intelligence reports (available with the optional Report Browser module).

FEEDBACK REPORT ADMINISTRATION (Reporting): Allows a user to create, modify, or delete custom feedback reports. In addition, the SYSTEM SETUP ACCESS permission is required.

FILE MANAGER - ADMINISTRATION (Document Management): Allows a user to manage files in the File Manager.

FILE MANAGER - VIEW (Document Management): Allows a user to view files in the File Manager.

FILTERS - ADMINISTRATION (System): Allows a user to create, view, modify, or delete filters for displaying information in grids. Also requires the FILTERS - SELECT FILTER permission.

FILTERS - COLUMN FILTER (System): Allows a user to turn the column filter functionality ON and OFF for grids that support column filtering.

FILTERS - SELECT FILTER (System): Allows a user to view the picklist of filters on grids that support advanced filtering capabilities.

FILTERS - SHARE (System): Allows a user to share filters they create with other users or roles.

FILTERS - VIEW ALL (System): Allows a user to select the "No Filter" option in the filter droplist. This option allows a user to see all of the data in a grid.

FORM - ACTIVATION (Audit): This permission is available when the Audit Form Activation Schedule optional feature is enabled. Users with this permissions can activate or inactivate audit forms.

FORM - ADMINISTRATION (Audit): Allows a user to create, modify, or delete forms. Note that the SYSTEM SETUP permission is also required. In addition, the individual Audit permission is also required in order to create/copy/delete audit forms, port forms to another site, manage global combo boxes, or view the audit form archive. Also note that this permission does not allow activating a newly created form; the user must also have the FORM ACTIVATION permission.

FORM IMPORT/EXPORT (Audit): Allows a user to import and export forms through a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

FORMS - PORT (Audit): Allows a user to port forms from one RizePoint implementation to another RizePoint implementation. Also requires the FORM ADMINISTRATION and SYSTEM SETUP ACCESS permissions.

GLOBAL TAB - CHANGE HISTORY (System): Allows a user to view the Change History tab in a management record or a location profile.

GRID - EXPORT TO MICROSOFT EXCEL (System): Allows a user to export information from a grid to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

GRID - EXPORT TO MICROSOFT WORD (System): Allows a user to export information from a grid to a Microsoft Word document.

IMAGE MANAGER - VIEW (Audit): Allows a user to see the Image Manager link. Also allows a user to view audit images but does not grant the ability to add or delete those images.

IMAGE MANAGER - ADD/DELETE (Audit): Allows a user to view, add and delete images from audit results. In addition, the RESULTS VIEW permission is required.

IMAGE MANAGER - ARCHIVE (Audit): Allows a user to archive images from audit results. In addition, the RESULTS VIEW permission is required.

IMPLEMENTATION CONFIGURATION (System): Allows a user to configure implementation settings specific to its implementation of RizePoint (also known as SQSConfig).

LANGUAGE ADMINISTRATION (Security): Allows a user to create, modify, or delete languages.

LANGUAGE SELECTION (Security): Allows a user to change his/her language.

LOCATION - ADD ATTACHED DOCUMENTS (Location): Allows user to attach files to a location profile.

LOCATION - CREATE (Location): Allows a user to create a new location record. In addition, the LOCATION - MODIFY permission is also required.

LOCATION - DELETE (Location): Allows a user to delete an existing location record.

LOCATION - DELETE ATTACHED DOCUMENTS (Location): Allows a user to delete files from a location profile.

LOCATION - EMAIL (Location): Allows a user to email one or more locations via the RizePoint correspondence system.

LOCATION - MODIFY (Location): Allows a user to modify location profile information.

LOCATION - MODIFY ATTACHED DOCUMENTS - Allows a user to modify the documents attached to a location profile.

LOCATION - VIEW (Location): Allows a user to view locations and associated information.

LOCATION TAB - AUDIT RESULTS (Location): Allows a user to view the Audit Results tab in a location profile.

LOCATION TAB - CONTACTS (Location): Allows a user to view the Contacts tab in a location profile.

LOCATION TAB - FILES (Location): Allows a user to view the Files tab in a location profile.

LOCATION TAB - FORMS (Location): Allows a user to view the Forms tab in a location profile.

LOCATION TAB - MANAGEMENT (Location): Allows a user to view the Management tab in a location profile.

LOCATION TAB -OTHER INFORMATION (Location): Allows a user to view the Other Information tab in a location profile.

LOCATION TAB - OTHER INFORMATION ADMINISTRATION (Location): Allows a user to modify custom fields in the Other Information tab associated with a location profile.

LOCATION TAB - ROLES (Location): Allows a user to view the Roles tab in a location profile.

LOCATION TAB - TERMINATION (Location): Allows a user to view the Termination tab in a location profile.

LOCATION TAB - TRAINING (Location): Allows a user to view the Training tab in a location profile.

LOCATION TAB - USERS (Location): Allows a user to view the Users tab in a location profile.

LOCATION TAB - VISITS (Location): Allows a user to view the Visits tab in a location profile.

LOCATION TAB - AUDIT EXEMPTIONS (Location): Allows a user to view the Audit Exemptions tab in a location profile.

LOCATIONS (Location): Allows a user to access locations.

LOCATIONS - VIEW INACTIVE (Location): Allows a user to view inactive locations.

LOGO ADMINISTRATION (System): Allows a user to add, edit, or delete images used for application user interface and report configurations.

MANAGEMENT - ADMINISTRATION (Management): Allows a user to access management records.

MANAGEMENT - CREATE (Management): Allows a user to create a new management record. In addition, the MANAGEMENT - MODIFY permission is also required.

MANAGEMENT - DELETE (Management): Allows a user to delete an existing management record.

MANAGEMENT DASHBOARD - COPY/CREATE - Allows a user to create a new management dashboard configuration or copy an existing management dashboard configuration.

MANAGEMENT DASHBOARD - VIEW - Allows a user to view an existing management dashboard.

MANAGEMENT - EMAIL (Management): Allows a user to send email to one or more management records through the RizePoint correspondence system.

MANAGEMENT - MANAGEMENT (Management): Allows a user to add, modify, or delete associated management records with an existing management record.

MANAGEMENT TAB - MODIFY (Management): Allows a user to modify management profile information.

MANAGEMENT TAB - VIEW (Management): Allows a user to view management records and associated information.

MANAGEMENT REPORT - ADMINISTRATION (Reporting): Allows a user to create, modify, or delete legacy management report definitions. The SYSTEM SETUP ACCESS permission is also required.

MANAGEMENT REPORT - VIEW (Reporting): Allows a user to view traditional management reports.

MANAGEMENT TAB - CONTACTS (Management): Allows a user to view the Contacts tab in a management record profile.

MANAGEMENT TAB - FORMS (Management): Allows a user to view the Forms tab in a management record profile.

MANAGEMENT TAB - LOCATIONS (Management): Allows a user to view the Locations tab in a management record profile.

MANAGEMENT TAB - TRAINING (Management): Allows a user to view the Training tab in a management record profile.

MANAGEMENT TAB - USERS (Management): Allows a user to view the Users tab in a management record profile.

MANAGEMENT TAB - VISITS (Management): Allows a user to view the Visits tab in a management record profile.

MANAGEMENT TAB - ROLES (Management): Allows a user to view the Roles tab in a management record profile.

MANAGEMENT TYPES (Management): Allows a user to create, modify, or delete management types. The SYSTEM SETUP ACCESS permission is also required.

MOBILE AUDITOR - CONDUCT (Audit): Allows a user to conduct, upload, and download audits through Mobile Auditor. Users must have this permission in order to conduct a audit on MOBILE AUDITOR PC, MOBILE AUDITOR PPC, and any version of 360 MOBILE AUDITOR, including 360 MOBILE AUDITOR for WEB).

MOBILE AUDITOR - MULTIMEDIA UPLOAD (Audit): Allows a user to upload multimedia files in Mobile Auditor.

MOBILE AUDITOR WEB - COPY EXISTING (Audit): Allows a user to copy existing audits in the Open Existing section of online audits.

MOBILE AUDITOR WEB - DELETE EXISTING (Audit): Allows a user to delete existing audits in the Open Existing section of online audits.

NEWS - ADMINISTRATION (News): Allows a user to create, modify, or delete news items.

NEWS GROUP #01 (News): - When the News Groups optional feature (also referred to as Extended News option) is enabled, allows users to view news items assigned to Group #01.

NEWS GROUP #02 (News): When the News Groups optional feature (also referred to as Extended News option) is enabled, allows users to view news items assigned to Group #02.

NEWS GROUP #03 (News): When the News Groups optional feature (also referred to as Extended News option) is enabled, allows users to view news items assigned to Group #03.

ONLINE AUDITS (Audit): Allows a user to conduct audits online. The MOBILE AUDITOR - CONDUCT permission is also required.

ONLINE AUDITS - OPEN EXISTING QUESTION REFERENCE COLUMNS ADMIN (Audit): Allows an administrative user to edit question references for question answer columns in the Open Existing screen.

ONLINE AUDITS - APPROVE (Audit): Allows a user to approve audits conducted online.

ONLINE AUDITS - LOCATION ADMINISTRATION (Audit): Allows a user to add or modify locations from the Online Audits portal.

ONLINE HELP (Accessories): Provides an "Online Help" link in the header of the application.

PARTNER HIERARCHY ADMINISTRATION (Security): Allows a user to administer their partner management hierarchy.

POLICY - CREATE POLICIES (Waivers): Allows a user to add policies to the Waiver Management system.

POLICY - DELETE POLICIES (Waivers): Allows a user to delete policies from the Waiver Management system.

POLICY - MODIFY POLICIES (Waivers): Allows a user to edit existing policies in the Waiver Management system.

POLICY - VIEW POLICIES (Waivers): Allows a user to view policies in the Waiver Management system.

PRINT BLANK FORMS (Document Management): Allows a user to print a blank copy of an active audit form. A user must also have the "Resources: View" permission.

PROGRAM ADMIN (Program Compliance): Allows a user to manage Programs; enables the menu items.

PROGRAM AND CAMPAIGN MANAGEMENT (Program Management): Allows a Client Administrator and/or Program Owner to manage and configure a Program with Campaigns and Activities. See Program Management.

PROGRAM ASSIGN (Program Compliance): Allows a user to assign a program to a location.

PROGRAM CREATE (Program Compliance): Allows a user to create a new program or copy an existing program.

PROGRAM DELETE ( Program Compliance): Allows a user to delete a program.

PROGRAM END ( Program Compliance): Allows a user to end a program.

PROGRAM TASK GENERAL TYPE ( Program Compliance): Allows a user to create a General task type.

PROGRAM TASK PAYMENT TYPE ( Program Compliance): Allows a user to create a Payment task type.

PROGRAM TASK SELF AUDIT TYPE ( Program Compliance): Allows a user to create a Self Audit task type.

PROGRAM TASK VERIFICATION AUDIT TYPE ( Program Compliance): Allows a user to create a Verification Audit task type.

PROGRAM VIEW (Program Compliance): Allows a user to view programs.

PROGRAM VIEW ALL (Program Compliance): Allows a user to view all programs in the system.

REPORT SUBSCRIPTION LOG (Monitoring): Allows a user to view a list of all emails distributed through subscriptions to Enterprise Intelligence reports.

RESOURCES - ADMINISTRATION (Document Management): Allows a user to insert, edit, or delete files from the Resource Library. (Note that the Resource Library is accessed through the Files & Downloads command in the Accessories menu.)

RESOURCES - VIEW (Document Management): Allows a user to view resources accessed through the Files & Downloads option in the Accessories menu.

RESULT APPROVAL - ADMINISTRATE APPROVAL RULES (Audit): Allows a user to manage the approval rules used with the optional Approval Process for Audit Results feature.

RESULT APPROVAL - APPROVE RESULT (Audit): Allows a user to approve an audit result when using the Approval Process for Audit Results option.

RESULT APPROVAL - MODIFY AUDIT CATEGORY NOTES (Audit): Allows a user to modify the audit category notes in audit validation (used with the Approval Process for Audit Results option).

RESULT APPROVAL - MODIFY AUDIT NOTES (Audit): Allows a user to modify the audit notes in audit validation (used with the Approval Process for Audit Results option).

RESULT APPROVAL - MODIFY ENGAGEMENT DATA (Audit): Allows a user to modify the engagement data associated with an audit result in audit validation (used with the Approval Process for Audit Results option).

RESULT APPROVAL - MODIFY QUESTION NOTES (Audit): Allows a user to modify the question notes in audit validation (used with the Approval Process for Audit Results option).

RESULT APPROVAL -MODIFY QUESTION RESULTS (Audit): Allows a user to modify an answer choice in audit validation (used with the Approval Process for Audit Results option).

RESULT MAINTENANCE - ADMIN (Reporting): Allows a user to modify result information with the Audit Maintenance tool, regardless of the result status. This permission is required to edit the result information on an audit that has already been approved. In addition, the AUDIT RESULT - VIEW permission is also required. (See Audit Maintenance Tool feedback report.)

RESULT MAINTENANCE - APPROVE RESULT (Reporting): Allows a user to approve an audit result with the Audit Maintenance tool. In addition, the AUDIT RESULT - VIEW permission is also required. (See Audit Maintenance Tool feedback report.)

RESULT MAINTENANCE - MODIFY AUDIT NOTES (Reporting): If the audit has not yet been approved, this permission allows a user to modify audit level notes with the Audit Maintenance tool. In addition, the AUDIT RESULT - VIEW permission is also required. (See Audit Maintenance Tool feedback report.)

RESULT MAINTENANCE - MODIFY CATEGORY NOTES (Reporting): If the audit has not yet been approved, this permission allows a user to modify category level notes with the Audit Maintenance tool. In addition, the AUDIT RESULT - VIEW permission is also required. (See Audit Maintenance Tool feedback report.)

RESULT MAINTENANCE - MODIFY ENGAGEMENT DATA (Reporting): If the audit has not yet been approved, this permission allows a user to modify engagement data with the Audit Maintenance tool. In addition, the AUDIT RESULT - VIEW permission is also required. (See Audit Maintenance Tool feedback report.)

RESULT MAINTENANCE - MODIFY QUESTION NOTES (Reporting): If the audit has not yet been approved, this permission allows a user to modify question notes with the Audit Maintenance tool. In addition, the AUDIT RESULT - VIEW permission is also required. (See Audit Maintenance Tool feedback report.)

RESULT MAINTENANCE - MODIFY QUESTION RESULTS (Reporting): If the audit has not yet been approved, this permission allows a user to change the answer to a question with the Audit Maintenance tool. In addition, the AUDIT RESULT - VIEW permission is also required. (See Audit Maintenance Tool feedback report.)

RESULT MAINTENANCE - UNAPPROVE RESULT (Reporting): Allows a user to undo the approval status of a result with the Audit Maintenance tool. In addition, the AUDIT RESULT - VIEW permission is also required. (See Audit Maintenance Tool feedback report.)

RESULT MAINTENANCE - VIEW RESULTS AWAITING APPROVAL (Reporting): Allows a user to view audit results that are waiting to be approved. In addition, the AUDIT RESULT - VIEW permission is also required.

RESULT MENU - ADD/MODIFY ATTACHED DOCUMENTS (Reporting): Allows a user to add or edit documents attached to a result in the feedback report menu. In addition, the RESULT MENU - VIEW ATTACHED DOCUMENTS permission is also required.

RESULT MENU - DELETE ATTACHED DOCUMENTS (Reporting): Allows a user to delete documents attached to a result in the feedback report menu. In addition, the RESULT MENU - VIEW ATTACHED DOCUMENTS permission is also required.

RESULT MENU - VIEW ATTACHED DOCUMENTS (Reporting): Allows a user to view documents attached to a result in the feedback report menu.

RESULTS - DELETE (Reporting): Allows a user to delete a result from the system.

RESULTS - EXTERNAL (Reporting): Allows a user to add external audit results to a location in the enhanced audit result navigation.

RESULTS - TREE NAVIGATION (Reporting): Allows a user to navigate to results via a tree navigation menu.

RESULTS - VIEW (Reporting): Allows a user to view submitted results.

RESULTS - VIEW ALL (Reporting): Allows a user to view all audit results, regardless of which audit company conducted the audit. This permission is typically used when the "Restrict Audit Result viewing to user type" form configuration option is enabled for a form.

RESULTS - VIEW STATUS (Reporting): Allows a user to view the status of a result in the result list. (Note that the SHOW APPROVAL STATUS option must also be enabled. Contact RizePoint for assistance.)

ROLE - ACTIVITY (People): Enables the Activity Links tab on the Role profile page and allows a user to assign an activity to a role.

ROLE - ASSIGN MENU (People): Enables the Menu field on the Role profile page.

ROLE - AUDIT: Allows a user to view the Audit tab of the Role profile and to assign audit forms to the role.

ROLE - AUDIT TYPE: Allows a user to view the Audit Type tab of the Role profile and to associate audit types with the role.

ROLE - CREATE:  Allows a user to create and edit a new role.  This permission enables the “New” button to create a new role. Note that users with this permission can also Edit roles (e.g., the one just created) with the Edit button.

ROLE - DELETE:  Allows the user to delete existing roles.  This permission enables the “Delete” button to delete one or more roles.

ROLE - LANGUAGE: Allows a user to view the Languages tab of the Role profile and to assign a language to the role.

ROLE - LOCATION: Allows a user to view the Locations tab of the Role profile and to assign a language to the role.

ROLE - MANAGED USER: Allows a user to view the Managed Users tab of the Role profile and to assign managed users to the role.

ROLE - MANAGEMENT: Allows a user to view the Management tab of the Role profile and to associate management records with the role.

ROLE - MODIFY:  Allows a user to edit existing roles.  With this permission, only the Edit button is available.  To assign create and edit capabilities to a user, use the ROLE - CREATE permission instead.

ROLE - PERMISSION: Allows a user to view the Permissions tab of the Role profile and to assign permissions to the role.

ROLE - USER: Allows a user to view the User tab of the Role profile and to assign users to the role.

ROLE TAB - MANAGED ROLES: Allows a user to view the Managed Roles tab in the Role profile. See Managed Roles for more information.

ROLE/USER - ASSIGN HOME PAGE (People): Enables the Home Page field on the Role and User profile pages.

SCHEDULE - ADMINISTRATION (Schedule): Allows a user to create, modify and/or delete schedules.

SCHEDULE - ALLOW AUDITOR TO VIEW ALL SCHEDULES: This option must be enabled or disabled by your RizePoint representative. When enabled, schedules will no longer be limited to the auditor viewing them.

SCHEDULE - ARCHIVE (Schedule): Allows a user to view and restore archived schedules.

SCHEDULE - ARCHIVE ITEMS (Schedule): Allows a user to view and restore schedule items from the Schedule Item archive.

SCHEDULE - AUTOMATED IMPORT/EXPORT: Enables a user to the automated import and export of schedule items for a schedule.

SCHEDULE - BATCH REQUEST FOR AUDIT SCHEDULE: Allows requesting batches of scheduled audits.

SCHEDULE - DELETE (Schedule): Allows a user to delete existing schedules.

SCHEDULE - DELETE ITEM (Schedule): Allows a user to delete existing items in a schedule.

SCHEDULE - EDIT SCHEDULE REQUEST ACCEPT OR REJECT FIELD: Allows the user to edit the accept/reject field of a schedule request

SCHEDULE - HOLDING PEN (Schedule): Allows a user to access the holding pen to create schedule items.

SCHEDULE - INTERNAL NOTES: Allows access to the internal notes of a schedule request.

SCHEDULE - MODIFY (Schedule): Allows a user to modify existing schedules.

SCHEDULE - MODIFY COMPLETE ITEMS (Schedule): Allows a user to modify a schedule item that has been flagged as complete.

SCHEDULE - MODIFY ITEM (Schedule): Allows a user to modify existing items in a schedule.

SCHEDULE - MODIFY ITEM LIMITED (Schedule): Allows a user to only modify the auditor and schedule dates in a schedule item.

SCHEDULE - NEW (Schedule): Allows a user to create new schedules.

SCHEDULE - NEW ITEM (Schedule): Allows a user to add items to an existing schedule.

SCHEDULE - SCHEDULE REQUEST: Allows a user to request a schedule from a third-party audit company or department.

SCHEDULE - VIEW (Schedule): Allows a user to view schedules.

SCHEDULE - VIEW ITEM (Schedule): Allows a user to view schedule items.

SCHEDULE - VIEW SCHEDULE REQUEST ACCEPT OR REJECT FIELD: Allows the user to see the accept and reject field of a schedule request.

SEARCH-DRIVEN ANALYTICS CONSUMER (Reporting): Search-Driven Analytics Consumer

SEARCH-DRIVEN ANALYTICS CREATOR (Reporting): Search-Driven Analytics Creator

SINGLE AUDIT COMPANY PER AUDITOR (System): A user with this permission may only be associated with one audit company.

RizePoint SUPPORT (Accessories): Provides a user access to the RizePoint Support Site.

SYSTEM SETUP ACCESS (System): Allows users access to the system setup options. Note that in addition to this permission, individual components may require additional permissions. For example, in order to manage implementation configuration options, both this permission and the Implementation Configuration permissions are required. Note that this permission is also required to perform Audit Setup functions, such as viewing, creating, or editing audit forms.

TRAINING - ADMINISTRATION (System): Allows a user to create or modify training items in the training list. In addition, the IMPLEMENTATION CONFIGURATION permission is also required.

TRAINING - DELETE (System): Allows a user to delete a training item from the training list.

USER - CREATE (People):  Allows the user to create a new user in the system.  This permission enables the “New” button to create a new user. Note that users with this permission can also Edit users (e.g., the one just created) with the existing Edit and Change Username/Password buttons.

USER - DELETE (People): Allows a user to delete one or more users from the system.

USER - MODIFY (People):  Allows the user to edit users in the system.  With this permission, only the Edit button and the Change Username/Password buttons are available.

USER - PROMPTS (People): Allows a user to create, edit, or delete user prompts.

USER - UNLOCK (People): Allows a user to unlock users that have been locked out due to Sign On failures. (See Unlocking Users who have been Locked Out.)

USER - VIEW ALL (People): Allows users to see all users in the system, regardless of whether or not they are assigned to them as managed users.

USERS - CONFIG PANEL (People): Allows a user to access the Configuration panel in a User profile.

USERS / ROLES - VIEW (People):  Allows the users to have read-only access and view the users and roles without allowing them to create or edit existing roles and users.  In addition, the IMPLEMENTATION CONFIGURATION permission is required.

This permission is required to be assigned when assigning the new permissions because it is this permission that enables the System > Manage People menus.

USERS TAB - AUDIT COMPANY (People): Allows a user to view the Audit Company tab in a User profile.

USERS TAB - AUDIT TYPE (People): Allows a user to view the Audit Type tab in a User profile.

USERS TAB - FORMS (People): Allows a user to view the Forms tab in a User profile.

USERS TAB - LANGUAGES (People): Allows a user to view the Languages tab in a User profile.

USERS TAB - LOCATIONS (People): Allows a user to view the Locations tab in a User profile.

USERS TAB - MANAGED ROLES (People): Allows a user to view the Managed Roles tab in a User profile. See Managed Roles for more information.

USERS TAB - MANAGED USERS (People): Allows a user to view the Managed Users tab in a User profile.

USERS TAB - MANAGEMENT (People): Allows a user to view the Management tab in a User profile.

USERS TAB - PERMISSIONS (People): Allows a user to view the Permissions tab in a User profile.

USERS TAB - ROLE (People): Allows a user to view the Roles tab in a User profile.

VIEW AUDIT RESULT APPROVAL RULES (Audit): Enables a user to view Audit Result 2.0 Approval Rules.

VIEW ZENDESK WIDGET (Support):  Allows the user to see the Zendesk Help button.

VISIT - ADMINISTRATION (System): Allows a user to create or modify visit items in the visit list.

VISIT - DELETE (System): Allows a user to delete a visit from the visit list.

WAIVER - APPROVE WAIVERS (Waivers): Allows a user to approve a waiver.

WAIVER - CREATE WAIVERS (Waivers): Allows a user to create a new waiver. In addition, the WAIVER - VIEW WAIVERS permission is required.

WAIVER - DELETE WAIVERS (Waivers): Allows a user to delete a waiver. In addition, the WAIVER - VIEW WAIVERS permission is required.

WAIVER - MODIFY WAIVERS (Waivers): Allows a user to modify a waiver.

WAIVER - VIEW WAIVERS (Waivers): Allows a user to view a waiver.

WAIVER - WORKFLOW ADMINISTRATION (Waivers): Allows a user to configure waiver workflow.