Configuration Options

Each audit form can have its own unique set of configuration options. The default value of each of these settings is determined by the settings in SYSTEM > DEFAULTS > FORM CONFIGURATION. However, because each audit form can have its own configuration settings, you may modify the settings for this audit form here, without affecting the settings of any other audit form.

If you're using multiple languages, please note that the configuration options selected here apply to the current language only. For example, if you configure an audit form while you're logged in as a user with one language set, these settings will only apply to forms used by other users assigned to the same language set.

*OPTIONAL FEATURE - Contact your RizePoint representative to enable/disable this option.

Unless otherwise specified, all form configuration options pertaining to 360 Mobile Auditor apply to all platforms of 360 Mobile Auditor (Windows, iOS, Android).

360 Mobile Auditor (Windows only): Enable audit wide spell checking - When this configuration option is enabled, a SPELL CHECK button is added to the top of the audit window in 360 mobileAUDITOR for Windows. Clicking this button initiates an audit-wide spell check on all notes and other data entered manually by the auditor. A spell check may be initiated at any time during the course of the audit.

360 Mobile Auditor: Require audit wide spell check - When this configuration option is enabled, an audit-wide spell check is run on all notes and other data entered manually by the auditor when he/she confirms the audit is complete. The auditor may also initiate a spell check at any time during the course of the audit. The results may not be uploaded until spell check is complete.

360 Mobile Auditor Basic Report: Show Percent Column - When this option is enabled, the score, as a percentage, is displayed in the Percent column in the basic report. Disable this option to remove this column.

360 Mobile Auditor Basic Report: Show Points Column - When this option is enabled, the points earned is displayed in the Points column in the basic report. Disable this option to remove this column.

360 Mobile Auditor Basic Report: Show Total Column - When this option is enabled, the points possible is displayed in the Points column in the basic report. Disable this option to remove this column.

360 Mobile Auditor: Disallow free text notes on questions and predefined comments - When enabled, the auditor may select a predefined comment, but is not able to add free text notes on questions or on predefined comments. (Enable this option, as well as the option below, for survey/recall forms.)

360 Mobile Auditor: Disallow predefined comment level free text notes - When enabled, the auditor may enter question notes, but is not able to add free text notes on predefined comments. (Enable this option, as well as the option above, for survey/recall forms.)

360 Mobile Auditor: Hide category level notes - When enabled, the Category Notes button is removed from the audit window in 360 Mobile Auditor.

360 Mobile Auditor: Hide question level notes - When enabled, the Notes button beside each question is removed from the audit window in 360 Mobile Auditor.

Action Plan: Allow default action plan text and due dates to be specified - When this option is enabled, a default action plan can be specified for each answer choice, as well as the time frame in which the action plan must be completed. In the Answer Choice definition screen, additional fields are provided in which the default action plan can be defined, and the time period specified. (For example, selecting UPLOAD DATE from the first Due Date Default droplist, and then specifying 5 DAYS, sets the due date of the specified action plan at five days after the results are uploaded.) See also: Action Plan feedback report.

Allow Action Plans for Questions - When this option is enabled, a USE ACTION PLAN checkbox appears in the Question Definition screen. When the USE ACTION PLAN checkbox is selected, the question is included in the Action Plan feedback report; otherwise, this question does not appear in the Action Plan feedback report, regardless of the selected answer choice.

Allow incomplete audits to be uploaded and completed online - When this option is checked, the COMPLETE command in the Audit Menu in Mobile Auditor PC, and the MARK COMPLETE command in the View > Audit Menu in Mobile Auditor PPC, become enabled, allowing incomplete audits to be uploaded and completed in Mobile Auditor Web. If this option is not selected, the commands are greyed out and unavailable, and incomplete audits may not be uploaded.

Apply Audit Approval requirement - When this option is enabled, audit results are blocked from users until an administrator has approved them with the Audit Maintenance Tool.

Assign Question Priorities - When this option is selected, priorities specified in the Audit Priority List (located in Setup | Audit Setup) can be assigned to answer choices. The priorities list is downloaded to Mobile Auditor and appears in a droplist. See Assigning Priorities to Answer Choices for more information.

Audit Form Print: Show Points - When this option is selected, the points associated with each answer choice are included when printing a blank audit form.

Audit Form Print: Show Policy Text - When this option is enabled, all question and category policy text is included in the printable versions of audit forms (Audit > Print Blank Form).

Audit Form Print: Show Pre-defined Comments - When this option is enabled, all pre-defined comments are included in the printable versions of audit forms (Audit > Print Blank Form).

Audit Maintenance Tools - default filter* (optional) - This setting determines which questions are initially displayed in the Audit Maintenance Tools feedback report:

Audit Score display type - You can display the audit score as a percentage or by point value.  Be careful to ensure that you have the display type set correctly.  For example, if an audit score is 30 out of 40 points possible, and the Audit Score display type is set to POINTS, the report summary will show "30." If the Audit Score display type is set to PERCENTAGES, the report summary will show "75%" for the same audit.

Audit Summary: Hide Points and Points To Total columns - Check this option if you don't want the point values to appear in Audit Summary feedback reports. If you don't want the Audit Summary to display the score at all, be sure to select POINTS from the AUDIT SCORE DISPLAY TYPE drop-down list. Otherwise, the score is displayed, but as a percentage rather than actual point value.

Audit Summary: Show policy text on summary - Policies defined for questions may be included in the audit summary report. You can specify when to display the policy:

Automatically show the report dialog after audit completion - When this option is selected, the Report window opens automatically as soon as the audit has been signed (Mobile Auditor PC and Mobile Auditor PPC only.)

The following configuration options beginning with "Boolean for:" are for Mobile Auditor only. They will not work with 360 Mobile Auditor.

Boolean for: Allow Audit Level Notes - Enables you to add and save notes at the audit level. Access this function from the Home menu and select NOTES.

Boolean for: Allow Category Level Notes - Enables adding and saving notes at the Category and Sub-Category level.  Select the desired category (or sub-category), then click on the ellipsis points (three circles) to the right of the category and click ADD CATEGORY NOTE.

Boolean for: Allow Image Attachments - Allows images to be attached to notes at the Audit, Category, Question, and Pre-Defined Comment level if notes have been enabled for each of those levels.  

Boolean for: Allow Question Level Notes - Enables adding and saving notes at the Question level. Click the ellipsis points (three circles) to the right of the question, then ADD NOTE.

Boolean for: Allow Report Print - Enables the option to print a report from Report View. To access, open an audit then click REPORTS from the home menu. The printer icon will be visible in the application header if this option is enabled.

Boolean for: Allow Report Save - As of the September 2016 release, this configuration is visible on the configuration options page, but is not yet functional.

Boolean for: Assign Question Priorities - This enables question priorities to be displayed at the Question level. After answering a question, if you decide to add a Note, a dropdown priority list with the default priority will display.

Boolean for: Copy Reaudit Answers - With this option enabled, when you re-audit an already-completed audit, the previous answers will be copied. If this option is not enabled, the audit will start from the beginning and no previous answers will display.

Boolean for: Enable Comment Action Items - When enabled, this option allows you to create an Action Plan from a pre-defined Comment Note. Select the question, then click the ellipsis points. Select ADD NOTE. Click the checkbox next to the pre-defined comment, then the ellipsis points to the right of the pre-defined comment. A dropdown list displays.  Click CREATE ACTION PLAN. Notice that text stating "Action Plan" now displays to the right of the pre-defined comment. To cancel the action plan, click the green checkbox again.

Boolean for: Require Auditor Signature - When enabled, an Auditor Signature is required at the Auditor Completion screen.

Boolean for: Require Manager Name - When enabled, a Manager Name will be a required field on the Audit Completion screen. An audit will not be able to be completed until you have entered a value in this field.

Boolean for: Require Manager Signature - When enabled, a Manager Signature is required at the Auditor Completion screen.

Boolean for: Show Category Answer Defaults - When enabled, click CATEGORIES, then the ellipsis points next to the desired category. You will see the CATEGORY ANSWER DEFAULTS option in the dropdown. If you select it, a warning will remind you that selecting this action may override existing answers in this category. Click YES to confirm. Click NO to cancel the option.

Boolean for: Show Category Nav Button - This option is useful for audit forms that have multiple categories enabling you to navigate to a specific category. When enabled, click on CATEGORIES to see a dropdown of all categories for that form. Select the category you need and all of the questions in that category will display.

Boolean for: Show Instructions - When this option is enabled and an audit is being conducted, selecting the Home menu displays the INSTRUCTIONS option in the dropdown menu. Instructions allow you to provide instructions for conducting this audit.  See Providing Instructions for an Audit Form.

Boolean for: Show Master Question Icon - This is a custom configuration that can only be enabled by RizePoint. It is not available for use in the current version of Mobile Auditor.

Boolean for: Show Priorities - When this option is enabled and an audit is being conducted, selecting the Home menu displays the RATINGS option in the dropdown menu. A Ratings file will need to be pre-configured at the form level for this option to be functional. See Defining a Ratings File.

Boolean for: Show Question Reference - When this option is enabled, each question will be preceded by the reference (in bold) generated when the form and/or question was created.

Boolean for: Show Ratings - When enabled, this option allows you to see the audit Rating (if defined) when you view the Activity details of the Standard Report. If it is not enabled, the Rating will not display in the Standard Report. If "Ratings" is still available under the Home menu, you will see the Rating on the Standard Report.

Boolean for: Show Report Points - When enabled, this option will allow you to see the points scored over the total points possible for the audit. For example, if an audit scores 95 points out of a possible 100, the Score will show "95/100." If this option is enabled, it will allow more filter options for the standard report.

Boolean for: Show Report Score - When this option is enabled, the points scored out of total points possible will display as a percentage in the report.  For example, an audit score of 75/80 will display a score of  93.75%. To access the report, open an  audit, then select REPORTS from the Home menu dropdown list. If this option is enabled, it will allow more filter options for the Standard Report.

Boolean for: Show Reports - When enabled, you can access the Mobile Auditor Standard Report. Navigate to the Home menu, and select REPORTS.

Boolean for: Show Result Score - When this option is enabled, you will see three scoring circles—Questions Answered, Required, Score—each time you open an audit. The results display in real time so you can see the progress of audits in progress and the results of completed audits.

Combine separated policies into one file - When this option is enabled, all policy files downloaded to Mobile Auditor PC are combined into a single file.

Default A4 Page Size - When this option is enabled, PDF reports default to the standard A4 page size.

Default PDF Bottom Margin (in centimeters) - Specify the default bottom margin (in centimeters) of PDF reports.

Default PDF Left Margin (in centimeters) - Specify the default left margin (in centimeters) of PDF reports.

Default PDF Right Margin (in centimeters) - Specify the default right margin (in centimeters) of PDF reports.

Default PDF Top Margin (in centimeters) - Specify the default top margin (in centimeters) of PDF reports.

Disable notes for triggered questions - Enabling this option disables notes for triggered questions.

Display Audit Result ID in Online Feedback Report header - When enabled, the Audit Result ID is displayed at the top of feedback reports.

Display question references with question text - Enabling this option displays both the Question ID and the text in reports.

Enable category due dates - Enabling this option provides a Category Due Date field at the audit form level. However, in order to access this data in reports, this option requires custom setup by the RizePoint development team. Contact your RizePoint representative for details.

Exclude audit results done on this audit form from showing in audit results - When this option is enabled, results from audits conducted on this form will not be included in reports.

Extended category navigation - When this option is enabled, the Audit Categories drop-down list changes to a button in Mobile Auditor, and Audit Categories open in a new window when the button is clicked.

Force audit report review - When this option is enabled, the report screen opens automatically in Mobile Auditor PC/PPC for review before an audit can be approved.

Hide categories with no answers - If none of the questions in an audit category require an answer, and no answers are provided to any of the questions, the audit category will not be included in the Audit Summary feedback report when this option is enabled.

Lock partial audit result to prevent downloading by another until uploaded/unlocked - Enable this option when using team auditing. This prevents loss of data due to more than one auditor working on this form at a time.

Make global combo boxes read only - When this option is enabled, all combo boxes on the audit form are converted to droplists, and the auditor must select one of the predefined options that are available in the list. When this option is disabled, the auditor may type an answer into the box OR select an option from the droplist.

Mobile Auditor PC: Allow image attachments on comments - When this option is disabled, auditors are restricted from adding images in the Notes window.

Mobile Auditor PC: Default Audit Type - You can select a default audit type to associate with this audit form. The default audit type will then be automatically selected in the New Audit Wizard in Mobile Auditor PC. The auditor may, however, select a different audit type if necessary. If the default audit type is NONE, then the auditor must select the audit type from the Audit Type selection screen.

Mobile Auditor PC: Enable any pre-defined comment as an action plan item - When this option is enabled, a button appears in the lower left corner of the Mobile Auditor PC Notes window. The auditor may then select a pre-defined note and click the button. This places an Action Plan icon beside the selected comment, and the pre-defined comment will then appear as an action plan item in the Corrective Action Plan feedback report. This option makes it possible to pre-define comments that can be used as action plan items, and then have the auditor suggest which comments should be added to the Action Plan. (See also: Using auditor-defined comments as action plan items.)

Mobile Auditor PC: Open category navigation by default - When this option is enabled, the Category Navigation button is in its selected state when an audit first opens, and all categories are displayed on the left side of the window. An auditor may hide the categories by clicking the button again.

Mobile Auditor - PC: Regular expression for determining grouping of parent pre-defined comments - provides the ability to list the predefined comments in the Mobile Auditor PC Notes window in a two-level, expandable hierarchy. The regular expression specified in the text box is used to identify a "parent" comment.

Mobile Auditor - PC: Require representative to enter email - When this option is enabled, the email address of the representative who signs the audit must be provided in the signature screen in Mobile Auditor PC before the audit can be completed.

Mobile Auditor - Web: Hide discard option - When this option is enabled, the DISCARD button is removed from the button bar in the audit window.

Mobile Auditor - Web: Hide the button for spell checking an online audit - When this option is enabled, the SPELL CHECK button is removed in the audit window in online audits.

Mobile Auditor - Web: Hide the four NEXT and PREVIOUS navigation arrows - When this option is enabled, the NEXT SCREEN, PREVIOUS SCREEN, NEXT UNANSWERED, and PREVIOUS UNANSWERED buttons are removed from the online audit window.

Mobile Auditor - Web: Only allow one audit to be in progress at a time on this audit instrument per location - When this option is enabled, only one audit may be in progress at a time on an location using this audit form.

Mobile Auditor - Web: Show audit description - When enabled, this option displays the description of the audit.

Mobile Auditor - Web: Use Survey Labels - Enabling this option replaces the regular labels in online audits with custom labels designated specifically for surveys. Contact RizePoint if you wish to configure an audit form with survey-specific labels.

Mobile Auditor PC: Use Question Matrix view - allows you to view questions on any audit form in Question Matrix view. Also requires enabling the Mobile Auditor Configuration option MOBILE AUDITOR PC - ENABLE QUESTION MATRIX.

Mobile Auditor Report Logo - This option is available only with custom reports and requires additional programming by RizePoint engineers. Please contact your RizePoint representative for more information.

Mobile Auditor: Show choice points in single question view - (for future use - not available at this time)

Mobile Auditor - Prompt for another audit at audit completion - When enabled, a message is displayed after an audit is approved to determine if the auditor wants to conduct another audit on the same location. Answering YES populates all fields with the same data as the previous audit, but any of the data can be changed.

One Policy File per Audit Form - Always leave this option enabled. It ensures that all policy files are downloaded properly to Mobile Auditor PPC.

Online Audits: Automatic purge - If an “in-progress” audit remains unmodified for more than the number of days specified in the droplist, the system shall automatically purge that audit. This includes all audits listed in the OPEN EXISTING list in Mobile Auditor Web.

Online Audits: Disable approval prompt - When this option is enabled, no prompt appears to notify the auditor when all required questions have been answered. However, the APPROVE stamp appears on the button bar. When this option is disabled, the Approval prompt displays when all questions designated as "required" have been answered, regardless of how many unrequired questions (questions not designated as "required") remain in this or other categories. At this time, the APPROVE stamp also appears on the button bar. When this option is disabled, also keep in mind that if the form contains no required questions, then the Approval prompt displays when the form first opens.

Online Audits: Display notes/predefined comments inline - When this option is enabled, notes and comments appear directly below the answer choices in the audit window.

Online Audits: Extended question text entry size - Allows you to control the size of the text box provided: Default, Large, Medium, Small. Note that the ENABLE EXTENDED ANSWER option must be enabled for the text question; otherwise, the option selected here is ignored.

Online Audits: Hide category defaults option - When enabled, this option removes the HIDE AUDIT CATEGORY DEFAULTS button from the button bar in the audit window.

Online Audits: Hide category navigation - When enabled, all questions are presented in list view, and no category navigation is available.

Online Audits: Hide Clear Answer link - When enabled, the CLEAR ANSWER link is not available in online audits.

Online Audits: Hide close option - When this option is enabled, the CLOSE button is removed from the button bar in online audits. Once an audit has begun, it must be conducted in full.

Online Audits: Hide engagement data option - When this option is enabled, the ENGAGEMENT DATA button is removed from the button bar in the audit window.

Online Audits: Hide free text entry notes - When enabled, the Notes window is not available. (Enable this option for survey/recall forms.)

Online Audits: Hide instructions option - When enabled, audit-level instructions, category policies, and question policies are unavailable. The INSTRUCTIONS and POLICY buttons are removed from the Audit window.

Online Audits: Hide notes option - When enabled, this option removes the NOTES button from the button bar in the audit window, and also hides the NOTES link associated with each question.

Online Audits: Hide predefined comments - When enabled, predefined comments are not displayed.

Online Audits: Hide ratings option - When enabled, this option removes the RATINGS button from the button bar in the audit window.

Online Audits: Hide refresh option - When this option is enabled, the REFRESH button is removed from the button bar in the audit window.

Online Audits: Hide report option - When enabled, this option removes the REPORT button from the button bar in the audit window.

Online Audits: Hide start over option - When enabled, this option removes the DISCARD AUDIT button from the button bar in the audit window.

Online Audits: Hide summary option - When enabled, this option removes the SUMMARY button from the button bar in the audit window.

Online Audits: Mark required questions with * - When enabled, an asterisk (*) appears beside all questions that are required.

Online Audits: Submit and Auto Approve - When enabled, the audit is submitted immediately after clicking the APPROVE button.

Process results on this Audit Status List item - When using the Team Auditing capability, the status selected here indicates that the audit is now complete and the results can be processed and made available in reports.

Prompt auditors before applying default answers - When default answers have been specified, this option allows the auditor to decide whether or not to apply default answers to questions. (Note: Default answers may be specified for all question types except text and combo-box.)

Propagate existing answers into traditional re-audits* (optional - available only when the Re-Audit option is enabled) - When this option is enabled, answer choices selected on the previous audit appear as default answers on a re-audit.

Rating Tag: Area to Address - This option is used in conjunction with the Food Safety Ratings option. Questions assigned to Report Subcategories (areas to address) that contain this search string will be included in the Food Safety Ratings calculation. This option and the option above, RATING TAG: REPORT CATEGORY, are mutually exclusive. You may use one or the other, but not both.

Rating Tag: Report Category - This option is used in conjunction with the Food Safety Ratings option. Questions assigned to Report Categories that contain this search string will be included in the Food Safety Ratings calculation. Note: This option and the option below, RATING TAG: AREA TO ADDRESS, are mutually exclusive. You may use one or the other, but not both.

Re-Audit Type* (optional) - This setting determines the type of re-audit that can be performed:

Report Category Weighting - When this option is enabled, a REPORT CATEGORY WEIGHTS button is provided in the Report Category screen. Clicking this button allows users to assign a weight value to each report category.

Require auditor to sign audit - When this option is enabled, the person conducting the audit must sign it before the results can be uploaded.

Require representative to sign audit - When this option is selected, the representative of the location (usually the location manager) must also sign all audits conducted on this form before it can be uploaded. (Note: There is also an application configuration option that requires ALL audits to be signed by the location representative before the results can be uploaded.)

Restrict audit result viewing to Audit Company - When this option is enabled, only those users assigned to the same audit company as the person who conducted the audit will have access to audit results conducted on this audit form.

Rounding Method - The ROUND method rounds to the nearest whole number; the FLOOR method drops the decimal portion of the score (rounds down to the lower whole number). For example, using the ROUND method, a score of 78.6 becomes 79. Using the FLOOR method, 78.6 becomes 78.

Show Audit Ratings Summary - When enabled, this option displays the ratings defined for this audit form.

Show Category Score Summary Box - When this option is enabled, a breakdown by audit category appears in the audit summary report. This includes the points earned, the total points possible, and the percentage received for each question in the audit category, and for the audit category as a whole.

Show Choice Summary Table - When enabled, all choices and their point values appear in the Audit Summary report.

Show Critical Question Summary - When this option is enabled, all questions with choices tagged as CRITICAL appear in the Audit Summary report.

Show Custom Approval Screen - When this option is enabled, the default "Approved" message is replaced with the message specified in the appropriate Configuration - Prompts field. (The default label says "Thank you for completing the audit. Please click the APPROVE button to continue." To edit the message, select PROMPTS from the Audit Form Configuration drop-down list, then locate and edit the message.)

Show 'Other' column in summary - When enabled, a third column is added to the Summary heading that contains additional information about the account being audited, such as the Management Record to which it belongs.

Show question notes while conducting audit - When this option is enabled, any comments specified by an auditor appear on the audit form while the audit is being conducted. (Mobile Auditor Web and Mobile Auditor PC only.)

Show Summary - When this option is enabled, auditors can display a summary of the audit in Mobile Auditor. When this option is disabled, the command is dimmed and unavailable, and the SUMMARY button is removed from the signature screen in Mobile Auditor.

Show Summary Answer - This option allows auditors to view a summary of audit questions in Mobile Auditor.

Show Summary Choice Filter - This option displays a drop-down list of all answer choices in the Audit Summary feedback report. All questions that were answered with the choice selected are displayed.

Show Summary Compliance Filter - This option allows the user to display only questions that received COMPLIANT answers, only questions that received NON-COMPLIANT answers, or ALL questions.

Show Summary Percentage - This option displays the current score of the audit, in a percentage form, in Mobile Auditor.

Show Summary Rating - This option displays the ratings summary associated with this audit form in Mobile Auditor.

Show Summary Score - This option displays the total points earned in Mobile Auditor.